I heard this weather is supposed to last till June. No sawing for me for a few days. I went to the woods to help with unit layout, broke my rule of No Jumping, jumped, landed on what turned out to be a punky old log which broke and I took a header, which I turned into a sider, head hit stob on a blowdown, hardhat stayed on so no problem but I put wrist down to break fall and it is a little bit sore. I had to spring up quickly in order to look like it was all controlled. I'm hoping I got my big tumble out of the way for the year. We did see the sun today but it was drizzling while it was out. The trilliums were bloomed but soggy, and the nettles have started to grow. We also ran the boundary for a stream buffer. A week or two later and it would be the land of nettles and salmonberry brush. Tomorrow we go up into patchy snow but it'll be flatter and a skidder unit and I'll not jump.