Pacific NW get together

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The Chehalis Centralia portion is also a speed trap. They set up on the Chehalis end where the construction is going on. I live on White Pass and I'm heading west to go. Tomorrow morning that I shall bake.
We're sitting here in the Lexington Bluegrass Airport. Of course our flight has been delayed an hour and it's questionable whether we will make our connecting flight in Chicago. We'll have about 30 minutes to make a mad dash way over to the other concourse IF we aren't delayed any more. They have us booked on the next flight just in case. Might not make it to the Sugar Bowl tonight if we end up getting in later.

Still sitting here. Take off delayed to 1pm. Apparently there's a big storm in Chicago that's shut Ohara down. No take offs or landings. They say if nothing further changes we have a touchdown time of 5:41pm in Portland. Then there's the baggage claim, the car rental counter, drive an hour or 90 minutes to The Dalles depending on how fun it will be getting out of Portland, motel check in, etc etc.

See you guys tomorrow morning,
Sorry Haywire, air travel is no fun anymore. Hope you have a good flight once you get going.

I'm right near the Portland airport but will be long gone by 5:00. I could recomend a couple resturants in the area if you let me know what you like.
They've got to get some sound suppression in the bathrooms here. It's all rock tile which looks nice but if you fart in there it sounds like you're holding a bugle to your arse. :)

All packed. Have a spare bag for "shopping". What's it gonna be...a 460.....or a 390....both on the list of saws I want.

Flight leaves the UK at 1015 tomorrow. Sit for 2-3 hours in JFK, then on to arrive in Seattle at 1945. Hoping to be there bright and early Sunday morning before you all go home.

Bon voyage everybody :cheers:
Dang. If I didn't have 5,322 statute miles to travel, I think I'd have made it at the same time as the rest of you. :dizzy:
I hope all of you have a good time. Wish I could be there.

Don't forget. You can keep the Rat if you want to. Don't feel bad if you don't send him back. Really, it's okay.:)
Had a great day! Food was good, people were good. It was good to put a few faces with screen names. Real names? A couple stuck, but I was calling the River Rat 2 "rat" all day. BTW that man is mean on the grill. Hamburgers, hotdogs, ribs, and chicken. I had a small taste of Slowp's huckleberry pie and hand cranked vanilla ice cream. Great Stuff. Pictures to follow but I'm on my wife's Macbook and have no clue about photo editing on this thing.

The weather sucked however. It was raining when I got there and then all the little micro-fissures that run out from Mount St. Blew-it's-top were hissing hot ash all day and that mixed with the rain made a kind of abrasive sludge. Impossible to keep a sharp chain. It also clogs your lungs and even the Husky air filters were whining. Don't move here. Horrible place to exist. (Was that good enough Slowp? Am I allowed to come back next time?)

The day started with a gloop....

Brand new 361 handed to to a Husky guy.. "make sure you lock those oil and fuels caps"... 15 seconds later...


But.. 5 minutes later...


There were a few saws


and a few more


and many more out cutting..

I'l let Dean explain this...

We had old guys, young guys, dogs, goats, dogs that thought they were goats, cars, trucks, food, foof, food, food, beer, beer, beer and dehydrated beer...... but no bugs.

Old guy ;) big saw (yep...)... on a PNW sapling.



Old guy showing The ladies "do it like this"...


Hey... quit showing off.


Now pack the damn saw out

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Some just watched...


Three guys to put the chain on a Stihl.. lot's of Husky's in the pit... "fixed" a couple myself (shush...!).


One handed saw:


we're not going to mention who got two saws stuck in the same log


yep.. there was smoke...

The view sucked


and did I mention the smoke?


The host (left)..


The host with his best friend


Another of the host's best friends.. but ... this is no lap-dog...

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The chef... TX style "blackened ribs" were his specialty ;) Mow - you can have him back - for retraining - he did produce some pretty good chicken and burger though).


Tim made us move all the wood by hand...


Some of Stihl's latest technolgy was cutting (real well..)




and more food...

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