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Aw somebody who knows how to make full use of a bucket.
Not much use for a rigging line .once the tree is down to bucket height.
Usually faster to hold ,throw, swing,fill the bucket up around you etc.,as you described.

right on ozzy...

All l take up in the bucket is 2 or 3 six, eight and ten foot lanyards with a spliced end the latter 3/4 inch and other 2 half inch....all double braids.

Anything I cannot push or toss or if I want to take out a huge branch/lead....I just hang em and carve em up. Forget all that slow ass rigging stuff. If a limb is not open for a straight drop chances are if butt hitched with the will be open hanging straight down.
Big Cranes, Big Buckets, Big Chippers, is were its at :givebeer: I have posted numerous times on this subbject (Been awhile now) But after spending my first 8 years in the tree bizz free climbing everything :dizzy: to working for bigger outfits with buckets and cranes :monkey: to having my own thing the last 5 years I have put my time in from (Almost) every scenario.. While I can understand not having the capital to make big equipment purchases on your own in the begining, I can assure you if you get in a position were you can buy, rent, or lease big boy toys you will never go back. MY company aswell as plenty of other guys (bigger then us) on here can attest to the fact that getting in/out and to the next job will bring in substantially greater amounts of income for the company at the end of the year,, even after the payments, rentals, etc... Anyways back on topic, got my steriod/cortozone shots in my back today, for the first time:cry::) Left there and got a beer :cheers: While I still feel far from 100% it made a substantial improvment in my abilty to move freely, Hopefully it will be a one time deal and continue to get better from here. Did I say back pain sucks!!! :censored: LOL.... :cheers:
buckets are in the way on crane work. just another piece of equipment to tear up the lawn with. the only time i use a bucket is on trees all up in the wires. other than that the bucket on our crew (when we take it out) is just the lunch wagon.
A big bucket and a crane, if they fit, is without a doubt the fastest and safest way to do big removals. Just because you do not do them with a bucket does not in any way indicate correctness. By the time the crane has made its cycle I will usually have 3 chokers set if nec and also if you need to get in the perfect cutting position....then you can easily put yourself in that position. If it is a huge lateral then I can easily set a couple of balanced choke points while you are fumbling around trying to climb out there and set them off the ball or a tie in point you may have salvaged to come down on the lateral and awkwardly and time consumingly set the 2 chokes.

They cannot always both fit but if they is without doubt the best way to do the crane job.

I saw you over there on the Buzz yesterday raising a big ruckus with 10 plus pages of the usual I am the best stuff but you are wrong on this point. I have even used 2 cranes on a real dead tree rather than climbing off the ball on a real barkless dead one.

You may have yourself at the big cheese up there in the northeast doing big crane removals but plenty of big trees are being taken down all over the country by less loud barking types. One year doing craners (granted daily) and you recently destroyed an expensive saw.....some humbleness may be an asset at times.
buckets are in the way on crane work. just another piece of equipment to tear up the lawn with. the only time i use a bucket is on trees all up in the wires. other than that the bucket on our crew (when we take it out) is just the lunch wagon.

I agree,,,, at times.. :) Our bucket is probably used on 30% of our crane jobs and makes life alot easier when the circumstances allow. If the room is there and its a real PITA tree full of laterals I will use the bucket everytime I can. It just saves were and tear on the body aswell as being safer in most instances. That said, I see plenty of other tree company's around here without climbers doing crane work out of buckets they have no buisness doing IMO.. They just reach as high as they can with the bucket, set the straps and hope it all goes well :buttkick: The funny thing is your average joe watching the job has no idea the tops flipping and jarring the sh!t out the crane are not how it should be done.:dizzy: Not Safe for the bucket truck operator, crane OP or anyone else in the imediate area with the flying debre that goes along with the above methods.. A 100 - 120" spider lift would be ideal as far as buckets and crane work go together. Pretty much if the crane is on the job the tree is way taller then your typical tree companys 55-60' bucket causing a more dangerous situaution then if you just sacked up and climbed it. Point being I see both sides of the arguement and think there is a fine line when and where the bucket truck should be used when doing crane removals.
Is this a pain management thread or a "TELL ME WAR STORIES THREAD" by a bunch of sissies , cause I have been working with a bad knee bad ankle sore insteps and numerous small limb injuries and have only left a job once , thats cause I passed out in the tree and needed Ariel rescue to be brought down after I put a hanger pole hook right through my elbow tearing my bicep and half bleeding to death , If I didn't't pass out I would have come down and driven myself there....
seems to be a bucket vs crane vs climbing thread...
I've never done a crane job with a bucket but I can see where one would be real handy if not absolutely necessary on some dead trees.

Every set up and each set of circumstances is different. I have gotten several jobs where the client has asked me if I climb or use a bucket. When I tell them that I climb they say good, the last guy to bid wanted to use a bucket and I don't want him to drive it in my yard. Had a guy underbid me on a storm damage job. He had a bucket and didn't climb. I had given the people an excellent price while I had the crane set up at the house next door. I could have reached the tree and done it in an hour or two from the same location I was set up next door. They wanted to get another estimate. Fine. Well the guy came in below my price with his bucket but he couldn't access the tree without coming in from my clients property... Which she refused. She didn't want her yard tore up after we had already worked to keep everything clean. The guy got money from the people up front, got just a little of what he could reach from the street and split with their money. He was an out of towner. They asked me to come in and give them a revised bid after the guy took off with their money. I could have done it without a crane but it would have taken me longer. Would have been more expensive to call the crane back out there and they were expecting a lower price since the bucket guy had taken maybe 25 feet off of the tree... It was still on the house. Some people are just clueless. I walked away from it.

That being said, if you have the equipment you would be a fool not to use it. I stopped and watched the largest tree outfit in my area work a job one day. They were taking down two trees simultaneously. They had a guy in a spider lift taking one down in the front yard with a crane and had a climber in the back rigging one down. Wasn't really necessary to use a lift and crane on the one in the front but they have the equipment and I'm sure it saved time in labor using it. I have worked for a few larger services and I have always tried to pay attention and learn how they do it. These older successful guys didn't get where they're at by just blind luck.

I don't have a bucket. I'm a small time outfit that does big work. My niche is large takedowns and hazard trees with little or no access. I do the same work as the big time outfits but on some jobs I'm a little slower because I don't have the equipment they do. I have low overhead and zero debt. I own every piece of equipment I have. That's the way I like it. I don't care to go into debt with a bucket or my own crane. I do however hope to acquire that equipment someday if business ever picks back up in my area. Right now I don't do enough volume to justify the expense.
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One year doing craners (granted daily) and you recently destroyed an expensive saw.....some humbleness may be an asset at times.

never thought i would say this but are you treetarded? ive been climbing off a crane for about 5 of the 7 yrs ive been climbing. not one year. those other 2 years were strictly climbing and then within the 7yrs ive been in the climbing aspect of the game a bucket has been part of it.

been in the game 11yrs now.

i'll say it here, on the buzz, and to anyone willing to listen or read what i say. i am the man. i am the type of worker that an owner f'n loves to have around.

so what about that saw man. ive made more than enough money for the company to afford a new saw. i was more heart broken for that saw than anyone else. never mind the loot which i offered to repay. i made a mistake i openly admitted to and it was due to the fact that i had already put in a solid 60hrs that week up to that friday afternoon it happened. i was beat and didn't see the right choke point. oops. chit happened and i paid the price as well. lesson learned.

do i have your 40 years? not yet. i will if life doesn't get me first.

you may not be often but you wrong on this one. i can and am willingly going to guarantee that any tree you think you can back your beater crane up to and bring that big obnoxious bucket to we'd have it down faster and safer. the whole time me laughing at you. i'd even be more than willing to put up a weeks pay saying we'd smother your effort.

i AM that good, dave.

call john (the owner of marquis tree) or dave (crane op/ operations manager) for yourself and ask if i don't bring the funk. they love the attitude i play the game with and know i am all about getting the job done.

bark all you want old man but your toothless mouth got no bite on this one.

edit: actually longer than 7 years cause i started climbing before i quit drinking.....
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I have even used 2 cranes on a real dead tree rather than climbing off the ball on a real barkless dead one.

then you lied to me. i asked you previously about this very scenario and you said you never did it...........

besides you wasting money bringing that 2nd crane in. again. you dont need it.
You may have yourself at the big cheese up there in the northeast doing big crane removals but plenty of big trees are being taken down all over the country by less loud barking types. One year doing craners (granted daily) and you recently destroyed an expensive saw.....some humbleness may be an asset at times.[/QUOTE]

OD is the paris hilton of tree work but I wouldn't bust his balls over a smashed snatched saw. Every now and then a climber is going to do some property damage or break a piece of equipment. You owners need realize that it's the cost of running a business. That saw was payed off before ten am the next day lighten up.
I'm gonna stay out of this but I do seem to remember someone turning down some overhang work cause they didn't have a crane and made a big to do about it then the work was finished by a climber and no crane......

cranes are NOT a necessity in this business, did they have cranes 100 years ago, hell no.....

Oopps.....did I say that out loud....

back on track with pain management: I use advil and aleve....
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are we grown men on here (well, I am) or is this a pissing match at the grade school play ground....
Ok guys you have two options stop the arguing and let it go, or you both can recieve a temporary ban to cool off

this thread is getting too personal to go on the way it is,
alright, Gayve.

listen. you ain't that good. i had a little gander at your website and looked at your setup. nothing impressive to me there. all that stuff out this way would put in in the average catergory at best. you'd be in the dime a dozen group out this way.

2 man band with neither a hard hat amongst ya.

doing it as long as you have and still running those chitboxes makes it seem you been stealing from your own company for just as long as you been running it.

whatever though, Gayve. your antiquated ways are dying off with the rest of the old timers out there running beat up chit and looking like non professionals as they go.