The distance between the flywheel and coil (magnet thing) should be about .015". I usually use a standard business card and it works great.
If the stop switch is messed up, the saw is trashed.... send it to me for a proper disposal. :msp_rolleyes:
One of my newest Partners a S55 wanting to be a Canadian/US skilsaw!!! funny tag says Skilsaw USA then made in Canada!! then funnier yet because the case still says Made in Sweden. Model 1632, I really like this saw NO av but still fun to use for short periods. A pleasure to run and own. this saw has very little hours on it. The 7 pin rim sprocket on it says Partner and is in great shape still.
Anyone looking to part with any? I might want to start a Skilsaw collection to keep my Partners company.
Nice looking saw Timber! I believe Mark has one like it. :msp_thumbup:
Now theres an idea I need to locate the OEM bar for a skilsaw 1632, I like challenges.
I posted this saw here when i got it.
Yesterday among other thing i put a carb kit in it and it runs nice.
partner 1646.
some cleaning up and would make a nice resto project for some one.
found a hard nose bar with a DULL chain to test it..
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Have you really checked this saw out, a 1646 is a Skilsaw rebadged s65, but your looks like a 1646 cover on a R series 70mm cylinder? And Skilsaws are painted a different color yellow. Just though I'd throw that out there. 70mm cylinders hit the top covers slightly unless there 70mm covers. (p70, metal r series) and it looks like that in the picture. May be wrong.
Well the colors dont add up, the 1646 cover is just that a Skilsaw 1646 (65cc) they came with bright yellow cases with black tops with stickers. They did not say partner on the bar cover. Some came black. but not regular yellow on the case. Really a moot point because there all great!!!! Yours looks to have more cooling fins (higher) than my saws F65 saws with that style cyl.
Look down behind the flywheel, and behind the coil find the Mahle casing number, its hard to sometimes. Between cylinder head bolts along base gasket. should see 48**** or 44**** if its a 70cc saw it'll be 50**** there are two seperate sets of numbers, (air compressor blow nozzle or carb cleaner helps alot) as long as it is not points!!!
It may be just that a Skilsaw 1646 with a Partner side cover, if so I'll take it off your hands for you!!!!
Also MOST!!! not all 70cc saws had adjustment for oiler under saw.