Largest is the P100 (100cc) or also known as the PM1000 in Mac form or 1020 in Jonsered form. Down from there there is the P85 (85cc), then the smaller case R SERIES: P70,7000,7000Plus then 65cc F65 S65 CS650.
Second part: Newer Partners relabeled as Jonsereds/Poulans, 82cc Poulan pro 505/Jonsered 2083, then 77cc Poulan Pro 475/Jonsered 2077, 72cc Poulan 445 (good luck finding one), 68cc pp425, 65cc 415. These were also sold in other countries labeled as Partners. (660,7700)
Then there the old vintage stuff R12 etc, I stop there.
sure I missed some too
nice signs again!!!!!!!!!!!!!