Peavy, Cant Hook, or Log Lifter

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The peavy works for me. To be able to roll a 40" in dia. log around and not break your back in the process it works real well. You can roll logs that weigh several thousand lbs. by your self and do it safely.
I purchased a log lifter 3years ago on an impulse buy kinda thing. (I already had a cant hook). Never realy thought i would use it that much, but now its about all i use. It will work like a cant hook, but will also lift a log clear of the ground for easier cleaner cutting.
I have a peavy and a cant hook. If it were only for big logs, the peavy would be my choise because the angle and size of the hook is bigger ( at least on mine). For smaller logs the cant hook seems to work better because the point of the peavy will be in the way. For rolling small to med. sized logs I would go with a short or med. length cant hook. For bigger logs I would rather have a peavy with a long handle.

Thanks for everyone's opinions. I emailed Sean regarding which device he sells the most. Should be interesting.
Mr. Peavey made the peavey as an upgraded Cant Hook, taking the higher utility device out from mills were logs were squared into Cants for storage and finishing to boards or beams.

The simple spike on the end offers more hazards, would be rougher on the semi-sinished cants of lumber; but gives several quick 'stab' uses and also some leveraging down it's full length, instead of on the side, offering more leverage power for the same length.

Orrrr something like that...........
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Originally posted by BigJohn
I know what you mean buy the peavy and cant but what do you mean by log lifter?

BigJohn, attached is a picture of a log lifter. Later, Roger.
This was my idea of a log lifter. I think you got the one Menchofer was talking about RB.

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