People have gone absolutely mad

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BlueRidgeMark said:
I recently bought a saw (from the northwest) on eBay - an Echo 3450, for small limbing work. Saw doesn't run, and looks very beat up. It obviously has had a chain break on it, as the whole sprcket area is beaten to death. Sprocket is badly worn.

IOW, I got ripped off! Oh, and the shipper is unavailble for comment as he's in LA doing Rita clean up, according to his wife who checks his email every two weeks or so.

That was $16 wasted. Plus shipping, of course. Don't think I'll be buying any more saws on eBay.
You paid $16 for a saw and are complaining? What were you expecting? :rolleyes: Yeah, the seller was really scamming you over and conning you in order to get rich. $16, sheesh!!
The bidding on the 920 looks suspicious. Maybe $621.00 if it was guaranteed new, never been ran. There was a great photo here on AS showing a guy running a 920, reaching way over his head to buck a huge tree, but I couldn't find it (didn't wear myself out looking for it).

Was anybody else following the clean Stihl 090 that went for $900.00?
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spacemule said:
You paid $16 for a saw and are complaining? What were you expecting? :rolleyes: Yeah, the seller was really scamming you over and conning you in order to get rich. $16, sheesh!!

$16 for the saw, $25 for shipping though it actually cost $9 and took forever.

The ripoff is not in the price, but in the description. It's at best, a parts saw, and it was described as in good running condition. Many obvious problems were not mentioned.

That's called misrepresentation, to put it nicely.

If someone sells you a car for $200, and represents it as a good running vehicle, did you get ripped off? Not if the thing runs. But if it costs you $100 to have the junker towed away, yes, you got ripped off.
Knot Whole said:
There was a great photo here on AS showing a guy running a 920, reaching way over his head to buck a huge tree, but I couldn't find it (didn't wear myself out looking for it).

That was Dennis Cahoon running the saw, and I think he posted the pic.

Chris B.
In general, that's true, but odd things happen. In this case, the seller had only about 17 feedbacks, which scares off a lot of people. And how popular are Echo 3450s, anyway?
Look at this, in the feedback section starting on page 2 this seller has some guys posting 10-12 times the same comment one after the other, obviously quickly giving him a 100% feed back rating but 1/2 the posts are these people posting the same thing a zillion times. No wonder some e-bay characters have such favorable feedback.
Yes, but check out the totals, Lobo. Duplicates from the same person are not counted in the 120 total. He actually has 198 positive feedback, but only 120 from unique users.
spacemule said:
Yes, but check out the totals, Lobo. Duplicates from the same person are not counted in the 120 total. He actually has 198 positive feedback, but only 120 from unique users.

Thanks for clarifying that for me, i had not noticed that.
Peoples Idea of running on e-bay means it fires after they squirt in starter fluid.

Over one third of his feedback were repeats? Better look at selling VS buying.
Thanks, Chris B. & Bill G. I spent a lot of time trying to track down that photo after I posted that I couldn't find it (my stubborn streak kicked in). Aw ra best...Chris J.
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Over the years I have bought a lot of items on ebay. I can't remember any category as overpriced as chain saws. It's amazing how much money a worn out saw will get. I bet if I put my old XL12 out there for $250 some jerk would buy it. :rolleyes:
cbfarmall said:
If you know anything about tractors, I regularly see Farmall Cubs go for the same as, or more than, a nice Super M. Absolutely ridiculous. Now, I have a Cub I'll keep for sentimental reasons (had it since I was 6 or 7), but there is no way in hell a Cub is worth anywhere near a Super M, not in my book.

Don't even get me started on Ford N-series. Most overpriced, overrated tractors out there.

Chris B.

Yup, it's hard to tell what is more overpriced, used pick up's or used tractors. Ford N-series tractors were cheap when built, and still cheap (not price, quality). Still haven't seen one yet make it more than a few hundred hours on a set of rear axle seals. Way over priced for a tractor w/o hydraulics.
Yes, Ford 8n and 9n tractors are another vastly over priced tractor group. I recall dad buying a Massey Ferguson 1085 diesel tractor with low hours on it (this was about 12 years ago) at an auction for the same price a Ford 8n tractor went for. A 1085 is an 85 hp tractor--big sucker. But, people don't buy products, they buy popularity. . .
You can put a 8N on a trailer and move it behind a small pickup, store it in something reasonable, it looks normal pulling a small finish mower around, you can use one in the woods if you use your head and realize it's limitations AND YOU CAN GET PARTS, If you buy your stuff by the pound/ton get a Minneapolis Moline G1000 or a Case with that nasty three speed powershift
asb151 said:
Over the years I have bought a lot of items on ebay. I can't remember any category as overpriced as chain saws. It's amazing how much money a worn out saw will get. I bet if I put my old XL12 out there for $250 some jerk would buy it. :rolleyes:
If you think you would get 250.00$ for that XL12, you better be listing it!!!!!

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