People that harvest wood late

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I have seen people do this for years and years. Never understood it as it is both wasteful and dangerous to burn green wood unless it's in a OWB where it is just less efficient.
Yep! Slackers! :yes::popcorn2:
I cut in the spring, and stack the rounds out in the open for 2 full summers. I am now beginning to think I need to start a third pile and let the wood season 3 full summers.

Lots of folks here cut late, and I would guess they are cutting dead fall of several years old. I once cut that junk. Cuts easy, splits easy, burns fast and you need a lot of it to make thru the winter.
Now hold the FU$# on now .....

Are you calling me a “Whiner” because i asked a question and shows confusion about it?

Did not know a question like mine constitutes me as a “Whiner”

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Nope. Sorry I should've quoted it. That was meant for the post directly above mine. Alleyyooper. His post seemed a bit whiney and butt hurt.
Noting whiney at all if any one was whining it was the one whineing some one cuts in the winter sprin and sumnmer and burns in the fall.
While you work your tail off to have a 50 year supply of fire wood stacked for vermin to make nest in and your stoves burn capility sucks.

:D Al
Noting whiney at all if any one was whining it was the one whineing some one cuts in the winter sprin and sumnmer and burns in the fall.
While you work your tail off to have a 50 year supply of fire wood stacked for vermin to make nest in and your stoves burn capility sucks.

:D Al
No see that still sounds a little whiney. Maybe even condescending. If you saw someone doing something potentially dangerous wouldn't you let them know that it's not really safe to be doing what they're doing? Burning green wood makes your house a very dangerous place to live for obvious reasons. Not only would it be dangerous but it's also very wasteful. A person would burn more wood to compensate for the fact that he/she procrastinated and did not properly prepare themselves for winter. So while someone thinks they are saving time by not preparing beforehand they are actually wasting time by having to produce more wood to keep them warm.
You seem like a decent guy and I'm sure if you saw someone using a chainsaw in a dangerous way you would correct him. That's what everyone is trying to do here. Correct people making stupid mistakes that can ruin people's lives. Just my 2 cents.
Noting whiney at all if any one was whining it was the one whineing some one cuts in the winter sprin and sumnmer and burns in the fall.
While you work your tail off to have a 50 year supply of fire wood stacked for vermin to make nest in and your stoves burn capility sucks.

:D Al
Who said anything about a 50 year supply. Dry wood burns cleaner and causes less whinnying from neighbors and people causing us the loss of using wood for heat. Local townships are passing ordinances against owbs because of lazy peoples actions.
Possiable their wood is dry eenough it burns just fine. Maybe their moisture meter works better than yours.
If I saw some one doing some thing dangours which put MY life in risk ya I would say some thing. Other wise it is their life so who am I to stick my nose into what they are doing?

As for those OWB's May they would be well served to put a chimeny on that raised the smoke so it didn't drift right into the neighbours house.

:D Al
So I know two people that wait to long harvest and split the wood for the winters use. One of them I know for a fact that he cuts the trees at the end of winter or beginning of spring and leaves them as rounds and then splits in the fall and burns. I also know he has the same exact stove as me which is a pacific energy summit and we all know how they do with wet wood.

The other guy literally waits till the middle or end of summer to cut and split and then he burns that wood that winter. I don’t know what so if he has but I know it’s an EPA stove.

How in the WORLD are these people getting any heat out of this!!!! And to add to it I know this cannot be safe and could lead to more creosote buildup. Both have been doing it for years and I am completely confused.

For example in the beginning of the summer I got one truck load of wood and I know for a fact the tree had been laying on the ground for a year and a half. It was at a local church and fell over in the storm. So that wood, a year and a half old, when cut and split it was still wet inside. Not a lot but it was. And all of it is still not ready. Just some.

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Lots of guys do that here too and it's really stupid. I wouldn't recommend it.
It's a waste of time, effort and money not to mention very dangerous to the burning equipment and will eventually cause a chimney fire and the house may burn down and could kill you and all your loved ones in the process.
Just plan ahead and cut out all the risk.
If I saw some one doing some thing dangours which put MY life in risk ya I would say some thing. Other wise it is their life so who am I to stick my nose into what they are doing?

:D Al
Not as decent a guy as I originally thought I guess :nofunny:.
Also if I were to make a comment to someone about their wood not being dry it would be if I noticed they definitely were using wet wood. The examples the others guys said pretty much describe that perfectly i.e. Using a fan with the door propped, constant smoke, having to tend the fire more than usual, etc.
There is a portion of folk in all walks of life that operate the "Just in Time principal "or adhere to the thinking of " Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow" I have learned not to worry any more in the past I've helped out people with dry wood when a sudden cold snap has struck but the still "bumble on" in the same manner & haven't changed so I don't bother now that"s their problem
:( Heart broken you don't think I am a decent guy because i do not stick my nose in some one elses bussiness and tell them burning wood they cut last winter spring and summer is dangerous.

I also do not tell them they should not drive after drinking beer, I also do not tell them smokeing is bad for their health. Dipping is also bad for their health.
I have never told them that driving while sleepy was asking for trouble either.
When they go out on their own property deer hunting in camo with no blaze orange, is risking their life, I would be a hipocrite on that one as I hunt my own property in camo too.

I consider all the above sticking my nose in their bussiness and some thing I just will not do. Same with burning wood I cut during the winter spring and summer. I do the same thing my self. I do not have a lot of smoke from my furnace and I don't burn any more wood than people I know who don't have a life and cut wood so they have a 50 year supply it seems and lots of vermin hideing places.

We are all adults and know what is right and what is wrong and we do as we want regardless.

I do not nor do some others I know think cutting fire wood in the winter spring and summer a bad thing.
I am not going to preach they are on the road to h377 either.

I will also not tell you that some day you will end up with a fat crooked nose for sticking it where is doesn't belong.

:D Al
I sell 16" splits and I cut my wood for my OWB at 32". The 16" stuff gets cut and split 1st so that I always have dry wood for sale. Doing it 1st also makes sure I have wood for sale which brings in a little extra money. It also forces me to cut my 32" stuff for myself or I will freeze. It easy to say skip the selling wood this year but if I cut it 1st I will cut my own wood later. Yes and I can always burn the 16" in my OWB if I have to.
Aug 17th I had no wood cut for my own OWB, I had the logs stacked in a pile but that was it. I work away from home all week. This picture was taken last night just before dark. Ash cut last spring 34 crates 4'x4'x 32" splits. I'm ready. The only help I had was my wife stacked 14 crates by herself and we both stacked the rest of the crates. 20180930_185722.jpg
I procrastinate sometimes, but have a good dry pile under the shed from last year, and some cut-up in the woods, that's been there for about 6 months. Due to failing health, this may be my last winter of burning wood. We just recently got a new Trane AC/heating "duel fuel" system, so I'm not sure how well that will heat. AC worked good, though.
@cantoo You burn mostly ash right? Do you ever meter it? I just split some ash I left in 8' from February and it's under 20% right away.
Yes I burn mostly ash now, used to burn poplar but been too busy to cut it much. I have meters but I don't bother metering it. I burn limbwood in the fall and can sure tell the difference in wood consumption. I don't split the limbwood and I cut it late in the fall so it stays a lot wetter. The crate wood is all split even the small stuff. I never used to split anything under 8" and it was always wetter ( heavier) sure it lasts longer in the OWN but I'm sure the btu output is also much lower. Ash is typically lower in water content anyway. Lots of people swear by burning "green" ash. I can still see water seeping out of my dry splits when I put them in the OWB. I also put a bunch of the crates in my barn before we get the heavy fall rains and it is noticeably drier going into the OWB.
:( Heart broken you don't think I am a decent guy because i do not stick my nose in some one elses bussiness and tell them burning wood they cut last winter spring and summer is dangerous

:D Al
I guess you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.
I said you weren't decent because you said you wouldn't say a thing to someone doing something dangerous unless it was putting your life at risk. Very selfish sounding. If you saw someone stumbling into a car drunk off their ass and a child was in the backseat would you say something then? I know I would. And if that means my nose will grow long and crooked so be it. I'll take that trade to save a life anyday.
But who gives a s$&t about hypotheticals? Go ahead and burn green wood. Personally I got a little ahead and proceed to get a little ahead every year. I don't have a 50 year supply but I have leftover every year that is allowed to sit and season longer. That keeps me ahead enough to not scrounge at the last minute and spend that time with my family instead of out scrambling to make sure they don't freeze.
What a nice looking job that represents a lot of hard work but I looks very nice. I may be simple but I love to look at the stacks of wood I see on the road as I travel. My own work in the woods is very satisfying to me, I can put my hands on my work and see / touch the accomplishments, be it firewood or my garden.
What a nice looking job that represents a lot of hard work but I looks very nice. I may be simple but I love to look at the stacks of wood I see on the road as I travel. My own work in the woods is very satisfying to me, I can put my hands on my work and see / touch the accomplishments, be it firewood or my garden.

You said it brother!!!

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It's not firewood till it is split. Then the determent variables are: Time, size of split and exposure wind. Warmer temps and low humidity will effect all the variables.
“But ash wet or ash dry, a King shall warm his slippers by” Locust will also burn green, as will maple cut in the dead of winter. Optimal heat output? Probably better to let it season but any port in a storm.

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