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Tom, just noticed you use the double saw scabbard too. Is that an Elm? I cannot tell.
is everything below your feet in pic 1 dealt with by hand or is there a crane helping out on that job?
No crane. Everything done by hand.
That is one huge silver in that pic , there awful awful trees to work on they chip nice but those big ones are a pain in the ass to trim , seems that you need to climb each leader as a seperate tree because they rarely have a decent center in them that is high enough to get ya out to those tips ....Argggg they are easy to chip though and make alot of good firewood We cut one down in the City OF Camden about 5 years ago and when the grapple grabbed the last 8 ft of trunk
it couldn't even open enough to get a bite at it , then when we picked it, it blew the rotator right outta of it and I had a 36inch bar and couldn't even get half way through it, what a damn fiasco that was ....
See I thought silver maple sucked as firewood.. I would never consider it "good firewood", but what do I know.
I don't why you'd think like that its relatively easy to split whens its not knotty as hell ,and I am burning some as we speak and have burned it and sold it for years .... I mean its no oak but when its dry I love it and its light, kinda good for getting a fire going .... and a tree like that can give ya some nice sized logs which means easy splitting, and besides I know your a oak kinda guy , and its surely not that but its a good" seat filler "..... It would prolly heat a pool dome real nice LOL or maybe a hot dog pit .....
Let's just leave the swimming pools out of this, I'm so over it ... I thought we were talking about your Jersey spin on what makes for good firewood..
Can we talk about the fact you are supposed to be hitting that Oak hard as we speak , or is 4knots to windy for climbing today would you like to see me hold my wood in my hands ? I mean its clean bug free and really white , It is perfect , if I showed you my wood you would prolly blush and grab it and scurry off to Conn and wouldn't share it with anyone, you would lock the doors and just watch my wood ......
Lol. I'm good man. It's only like 22 degrees out there. I have Darkman splitting up some green ash wood (gonna see if it will burn). I have been stacking the other logs with the forks, cleaning up the yard a bit. It's pretty cold just sitting on a machine though, so I'm kinda milking it.. Porks.
Dark man ..... Seems well just a bit of ........................ Ahh nevermind ...:help: