Used to do this a lot. Rules were changed so antiques were not antiques any longer.
So I would take them to antique tractor shows .
thgat got to be tireing dragging chains and binders around to tie down on the trailer and setting up the ramps and all that so I just quit.
Today If it is cold I turn the heat on and drive to a show. If it is hot I turn the air on and drive. No chains to drag around so they don't get stolen, no ramps to set up or take down.
Just wash wax and change oil and lube it.
Shows all over the State of Michigan includeing the UP even. Every thing we need for a day fits in the trunk, Cooler full of cool water, sandwiches, and snacks even. Sack chairs and our sun shade.
They have week night shows called cruises from Monday to Friday also in many of the small mid Michigan down towns.
It was hard to get used to paying a fee to show the car at a Weekend show and people lookiung got in free. At tractor shows we with the tractors got to show for free and people looking paid to look.
But with the car we get free driver number tickets and win prizes includeing money and plaques and trophys.
Not adpt to win this one in 2018 for the most orginal 1985 or older car/truck. last year had orginal paint, this year all new paint.
If you see us at a Michigan car show this year stop and say hello.
