I sure sounded pretty sure of myself. Good thing it worked for you.
Where is the leak? Reason I ask is these saws have an aluminum plate concealed against the PTO side just expoxied in. Makes up the entire right hand side of the tank. If mine started leaking at that epoxy joint, I would just Redkote the inside, seal it up. Don't try to remove the plate, you'll just tear it up. If you punched a hole in the tank, jbweld or a replacement. I have a NOS tank for the future.
Thanks guys. I got the saw all put back together and after cutting some gaskets for it got it running like a top!
I need some help. I have a 36” and need a chain. I can’t seem to figure it out. Thanks for the help
when you get to it, don't bother buying the RedKote, I've got a quart you can use. It goes a long way.some redkote n one o those maybe in order for mine.