Hey Stumper,
Personally on a bigger saw like an 088 or my other big saw an 076, I prefer a .404 not so much for the chain, but because the bar is heavier and won't get bent so easy.
This spring I cut a co-dom Elm stern about 30 some odd inches , 12 ft high, the darn thing actually split right in two, I've cut alot of co-doms but this was a first for me to have split like that while on the stump. Anyway, when the tree split the bar was bent into almost a U shape. The bar went back into shape and no damage thankfully, if it was a 3/8ths, I don't think I would have been so lucky. There have been a couple of other times with those big saws that I was glad they had those .404 bars on them.
I have to be careful with our 66 with the 3/8ths 32" bar on it, it doesn't take much to bend that one. It doesn't have to be a bad bend either, one would swear it wasn't bent, put it on a flat piece of square steel, shine a light on it, sure enough a sliver of light is under the bar that explains why it isn't quite cutting straight.
I have to admit when though when Xander posted his picture with the kids sporting that 088 with that long 50 some odd inch bar in 3/8ths, I was jealous
and want one of those.