Thanks all. I want to repair the front oil tanks seam that may have been cracked during some PO accident prior to it being scrapped in the transfer station at my BIL's town. The saw seems OK other than a sloppy oil leakage/consumption issue.
The oil consumption was reduced when the bar was changed from a small husky D095 bar to the correct D041. The bar oiler hole over shot the saw oiler channel by .100" . Next the oil tank stopper had both oil orings undersize and became oil tight with the correct orings, But finally with the saw standing up on the bar, after not to long a period, the seam still oozed bar oil.
It may come down to a small ball shaped dremel carbide bit to partially excavate the seam and solvent or epoxy glue it sealed. The saw is complete, runs well for what it is, but not worth a lot of money. So this level of repair is all I want to invest.
pix of the saw is in my gallery