Looks like Ficus benjamina, the type some home-owner wanted to keep big bonzai'd in their front lawn.
It's rare to see them uprooted, or is that just vines and junk?
I'm allergic to the sap of those, they piss out white latex, I break out in itchy rash for atleast 2 weeks, you wont know till the next day though.
Frankly, looks like bags of room for any machinery, cranes, bucket trucks etc, so bid your style. I hate climbing them coz latex sap covers ya so I'd be using a bucket truck to get it half size then craning the bottoms.
Make sure you have two good saws ready for those base cuts coz they're full of dirt. And with a crane clock ticking away you dont want to waste time sharpening a saw.
Around these parts it's go for between $3k and $4k, the stump grind could be $500 but depends on how deep and how many surface roots.
I'd have an 18" chipper sitting there which would eat most of it.
No biggie really, you know you'd knock it off in a day so quote a day rate + the additional equip etc.
Also, I'd suggest to the customer that the tree stump be poisoned and ground a week later to prevent suckers coming up.
Roots etc that may be under the house could get termites too so a termite treatment of the tree by some type of systemic chemical would be advisable prior to the take down. some guys here prefer to poison the stump, others the whole tree.