Hey Dan.
Looks like a ton of fun!
Gotta say that forming the notch after making a plunge scares the bejesus right outa me, and leaving so much strap behind the plunge scares almost as much bejesus outa me. The former because I plunge all the time and find it no big thing (as opposed to forming a notch, forming the backside of the hinge with a plunge is much more often a first-time-is-right operation for me). But then again I've only done it aloft while in a bucket...
So I spent the better part of a half hour fetching the images (not being able to transact anything else all the while) and performed a command similar to the one in this attached batch file, which command took about 40 seconds on my 466 MHz Celeron box. Result was instead of "5,410,365 bytes in 10 files" I got "1,442,810 bytes in 10 files" (maybe still just a fuzz too much).
You've got a high speed connection, fetch the ImageMagick package you like as described at
http://www.imagemagick.org/www/windows.html and after "installing" it, drop a copy of this attached batch file (after dropping the .txt extension, so that it's just "resize.bat") into the directory with your images and run it (double-click on it or similar method of invocation). It will first create a subdirectory named "smaller" and then drop a 65% size copy of each image in the directory into the "smaller" directory. If the resultant size isn't to your liking, change the value "65%" in the line not starting with "REM" to some other value using an editor that will leave the file in pure text format while saving it.
Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions, privately is fine if you want.
[edit attachment: silly me, I had a "/" for a pathway separator instead of "\" in the command line -- now changed
If it doesn't work now please let me know]