Chris, I am truly sorry I wasted your time and others time who were tying to help me out. I would have never thought someone would do that after all the corresponding on the phone. I really had some good talks with the guy and thought he was on the level. I must be naïve in thinking I can trust people.I got bored. This is what I have. PM me if you are interested.
Chris B.
Well thanks, but I still feel pretty stupid. After thinking about it, I really was naïve to start looking for parts and such before I actually had the powerhead in my possession. After texting him again he said he could not stop the auction anyway once he posted it. I don't know much about selling on Ebay, I always just buy, but it kind of makes sense. You can't stop an auction once it is started right? I guess I should put the blame on myself and not on him. Anyhow, I really feel like a horses a** right now. I got all excited over this saw because I thought it might have been a Skil 1690 or Canadien 390 with the wrong air filter mount, maybe from a 385 gear drive. I did a ton of reading and researching and found it was the 275. I told the guy everything I found out and I think maybe he got a little to excited thinking it might be the "big cahoonah", the 1690 or 390. Thinking about it I probably would have second guessed my making a deal if I found it to be a sought after saw and the possibility of good money for it. I brought all this on myself and feel terrible about wasting peoples time. Sorry again, everyone, I did not mean to leave a bad taste in anybodys mouth over this forum. BobNo worries, we've all been in a similar predicament at some point.
This one is on the seller, not you.
The whole reason I wanted this saw in the first place was because I thought it might possibly be the 139cc Skil 1690 or the Canadien 390. The seller had no clue about it other than it was a PM Canadien by looking at the blue riveted plate on the mag case. The cylinder looked big and I thought it might be the big beast. I asked him to do the pull start compression test by picking the saw up by the pullstart handle and he confirmed that it very slowly dropped. He also said that he is into Kart racing and this saw had a ton of compression like some modified kart engines, so I thought this might be a good saw to try and get running and cutting again. I know that I could never afford a good, complete 1690/390 so I was going to take a chance on this saw and hope for the best. The 275 is still an awesome saw but it's like settling for a Stihl 070 instead of getting a 090 if you know what I mean. I don't even know what a 275 is worth or weather $200 is even a good price for it with the pieces missing. Maybe that is to low and I am like a lowballer, I really don't know. I have always liked the way the 390/1690 looked and I really liked the fact that it had a removable head on the cylinder. I have seen some good ones come up on Ebay before but they went for over $1000. I can't afford those prices so I always have to settle for the parts saws and non-running stuff. Anyway, with it being stuck on bids and me letting the cat out of the bag that it is on Ebay auction, someone will probably bid it up and I can't go much more than $200 on it anyway. The seller still told me he would do the $200 if it did not get any bids still go after it if ya want it. ya found parts.
fees there are all on seller. dunno bout ending sale early.
can if the "make an offer" is accepted.
then there's principles...
Offer him a stupid low price if it doesn't sell. He welched on the deal which let you off the agreed upon price.I ended up counting my chickens before they hatched. The 275 was for sale locally and I have been corresponding back and fourth by phone. We came to a price of $200 and he said he would hold it for me till this Saturday. He did not even know what it was besides being a PM Canadien and I did a bunch of research to find out what it was for him. The number on the side of the case was 275002, which I found out was a Canadien 275 type 2. After replying to the forum earlier I started looking on Ebay again for skil or PM parts. There has been a post for a 270 on bid and I was thinking of putting in a bid. Two posts down there was a post for a PM Canadien saw for parts. Guess what? That is the saw that I was to buy. He had originally told me he had it on ebay but would remove it and sell it to me to avoid Ebay and Paypal fees. Guess what again, it's on bids with the bids ending on Sunday. He has the starting bid at $250 and $25 shipping. I contacted him to see what the deal was and this is what he texted me. "OK here's the deal, I'm gonna run the auction until then(meaning until Saturday) and as long as no one bids it up I'll sell it to you for the 200... no problem hate to pull it right away with no money in hand" I tell you what, you can't trust the word of anybody these days. I already made plans of driving the four hours to go pic it up and here I am asking about parts and suppliers and such, for nothing. I am now quite embarrassed I made this forum without actually having the saw in my possession. Here is the pic of the saw on Ebay.View attachment 759129 View attachment 759130 . I'm not even going to mess with it now. When you make a deal it's like giving your word in my book. You don't go behind their back. That's the problem with people in this country today, no sense of morals. Anyway, the saws all yours boys I'm done with it. I will stick with spending the money on other unfinished saw projects I have.
Maybe, I will see what happens on the auction. there is still three days left on it. a lot can happen in three days.Offer him a stupid low price if it doesn't sell. He welched on the deal which let you off the agreed upon price.
Chris, I am truly sorry I wasted your time and others time who were tying to help me out. I would have never thought someone would do that after all the corresponding on the phone. I really had some good talks with the guy and thought he was on the level. I must be naïve in thinking I can trust people.
Sorry if I came off like I was ragging on the 275. It's a great saw also, right up there with the McCulloch Super Pro 125. A real legend in the logging world.No worries, parts were easy to find.
That said, I'm not sure why you're ragging on a 275 like it's a dime-a-dozen Homelite XL12. It's a pretty good saw, too bad it's missing parts. Certainly it will stand from the usual sea of Husky and Stihl saws.
It's my own fault. I let him know it was a sought after saw. I could have kept my mouth shut but I felt wrong about acting like I didn't know what the saw might be. I'm like you also, when I tell someone I will sell something for an agreed upon price, that's my word , no and's, if's or but's about it. A couple years back I learned a hard lesson about scams. I saw a Nightforce rifle scope on "ArmsList" that was a quarter the price of a new one. I used to be involved in long range target shooting, 1000+ yards. The scopes I had were all on the cheap end and I wanted something real nice to up my game. I ended up making a deal with a guy over the computer and got scammed out of $1200. The gentlman seemed really trustworthy and sounded like an upstanding guy. He convinced me to make a PayPal friends and family payment. long story short, you can't get your money back from PayPal sending it through a F&F payment. You would have thought I would have learned not to trust anybody from that experience, yet hear I am with this situation. Not real smart huh. I guess I just believe that the percentage of good people out there is higher than it actually is. I know I will still continue to want to trust people, that's just the way I am. I will be a lot more cautious though.If that saw was local to me I wouldn`t hedge on paying $200. for it. If it does not sell on eBay then I would gladly buy it from the guy, when selling something many want to get all they can for an item and often advertise the item on Craigs List, KIJIJI, Facebook and eBay all at the same time hoping to get the highest price possible, its just the way the world is these days. I wouldn`t do a deed like this, still too old school and set in my ways, deal face to face or if I promise an item to someone its theirs as long as they show up with the money in a timely fashion. However so many are wishy washy these days, its difficult to cut through the BS replies one gets from those supposedly interested in buying an item, internet has made it too easy for people to just reply on a whim and waste a sellers time on replies.
It's my own fault. I let him know it was a sought after saw. I could have kept my mouth shut but I felt wrong about acting like I didn't know what the saw might be. I'm like you also, when I tell someone I will sell something for an agreed upon price, that's my word , no and's, if's or but's about it. A couple years back I learned a hard lesson about scams. I saw a Nightforce rifle scope on "ArmsList" that was a quarter the price of a new one. I used to be involved in long range target shooting, 1000+ yards. The scopes I had were all on the cheap end and I wanted something real nice to up my game. I ended up making a deal with a guy over the computer and got scammed out of $1200. The gentlman seemed really trustworthy and sounded like an upstanding guy. He convinced me to make a PayPal friends and family payment. long story short, you can't get your money back from PayPal sending it through a F&F payment. You would have thought I would have learned not to trust anybody from that experience, yet hear I am with this situation. Not real smart huh. I guess I just believe that the percentage of good people out there is higher than it actually is. I know I will still continue to want to trust people, that's just the way I am. I will be a lot more cautious though.
Your my kind of people. I don't think I have had a better group of people to correspond with than here at ArboristSite. You guys are great.I am too honest to a fault, often get chided for being so, I have been around the saw game for more than 55 years now and have had all types of sales and buys. I have bought many things in life sight unseen, just trusting the seller to describe its condition and such and judge on that alone. Been took a few times but in general have fared out well, no complaints. I once bought a MS440 on a phone call from the owner describing it as a parts saw that may have been under water. I bought it as a non running parts saw for an agreed upon price, think it was $75. and was many years back now but when the saw arrived it was like new and it never was under water. When getting the saw diagnosed before I bought it they somehow reinstalled a muffler that had no outlets in it, yep, totally closed up. Owner had told me the saw wouldn`t run right so all I did was change the muffler and the saw still runs today. What I couldn`t do was only pay so little for a $1,200. CDN saw at that time so I fixed them up at no charge with a good running 70 cc Sachs Dolmar saw which would be fine for the amount of cutting they do, Karma or whatever wouldn`t let me take something from someone for next to nothing. At sales I will give more than an asking price if someone,. widow ,daughter etc of a deceased family member is selling something I want for much too low of a price, been there and done it many times. Life has been good to me so far!