Pnw tree climbing competion pics

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Last one, limb walk in the Work Climb, not sure who it is. We all had a great time, the weather kept us looking at the sky all day but it never got wet. Thanks to all the organizers and volunteer who judged and kept the scores. Anyone who thinks this looks like fun is strongly encouraged to come on out, even if they don't want to climb there's tons to be learned just watching. I've been climbing for 2.5 years now and I placed third in the five preliminary events and fourth in the Master's Challlenge. Dan Kraus won, I think Brian French placed second and Joe third. Brian and Joe from portland dan out of seattle and me from vancouver canada. Kathy first for the women from seattle then i'm not sure who was second, karen from vancouver canada or Amy from i forget where. Please correct my errors if you can, i'm sure i've made a few. Joe's name may not be Joe at all, I just can't think of it.
Nice looking pics. Thanks alot! Can you describe Dan Kraus' technique in the master's challenge? What was the most creative tech. on the aerial rescue?
pnw pics

hey gord, thanks for the great pics. and i'll add my thanks too to blaire veitch and thor and rupert and all the guys from canada who did the legwork on this comp. as for dan's top secret tricky techniques on the aerial rescue... you could ask him, but as i remember he footlocked up with a mar-bar (upper only) and his 2nd line hanging off his saddle (just the end, not a bag or hank), reached his optimal tie in, whipped out the line already set to go with a cambium saver and everything tied & set and flipped it over a handy limb. nothing fancy, just super efficient. it's always a pleasure to watch "effortless" climbing. btw, amy's last name is johnson, she works for me and hails from seattle.
Yes, congratulations. It's great to hear of a fairly new climber who does so well. Was it your first time making it to the Master's Challenge? How many competitions have you been in? I was wondering; how was the footlock, being that they upped the height this year? I imagine some of the competitors would have run out of steam before they reached the top.
Originally posted by Gord
Please correct my errors if you can, i'm sure i've made a few. Joe's name may not be Joe at all, I just can't think of it. [/B]
That would be Joe Solomon from Portland.