Again, while at The Care of Trees, I was tried to rig up a way to carry my saw.
The concept I was working on, but eventually gave up on, was a small prusik (Hey! I spelled it right!) loop prussiked onto my climbing line. I would hook the the saw into the loop. If I was descending, my Distel would push the little prusik down.
I gave up because when going up, you had to advance the prusik as well as your friction hitch.
I liked the idea, but there are big kinks to work out. I've given up on it (mainly because I don't use a saw anymore) but I mention it here because someone might be able to turn my idea into something usable.
Thanks, guys! I'm glad you like the idea. If my sharing it keeps any one of you (well, almost any of you) from getting cut once in the future...then I'll be happy.
Rocky, I was just kidding about that...I don't want you to get cut, either!:angel:
ps- another good thing about the safety stripe...if you're walking on the ground with it and the blade is behind you (which it really shouldn't be, I'm told) and someone is walking towards you with some brush or whatever, you can make sure to rotate the blade away from that person!