Pondering oak wilt control

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Re: Strength in our minds...

Originally posted by Gopher
I have to wonder if the expentiture was worth the outcome. We will see.

What is the other choice for preventative measures? We know that the use of the fungistat gives a better probability of survival for adjacent trees then plain removal.

Alamo is not the magic bullit some want to portray it, but it is a usefull tool for those who can afford it and understand that it is not a cure but a preventative measure for a fatal disease.

Our situation here was that one OW death was not dealt with in '93 and we lost 6 surrounding trees of ours and one neighbors. Along with 1 "overland" infections (and one new probable with samples iin the lab).

I was prejudiced against Alamo until I read more recent lit and talked to several companies using the product.

Guy, my use of "at best emperical" was to acnkowledge those people who speak of their private testing where they have solid data, but from small, non-peer reveiwed trails. As apposed to the "I seen it work" annecdotes. I'm all for trying something new, especially if there is no other chance of positeve results.

heck I'd be happy to try other methods if I could read soemthign about it, I'm not going to spray compost teas or pine extracts or a number of other things I've heard/read.
I have to be...

I have to be more open at times to many options. I am a skinflint by nature, so when a treatment reaches many hundreds of dollars per tree, I am more apt to want higher percentages of positive results.

This may be a shortcoming of mine; I don't know. IN most cases, cautious isn't all bad, but if there wasn't someone willing to try nad try again, we wouldn't be here.

JPS has got a good field trail location, and I know he will keep us posted as to the future of these trees.
