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I remember when a certain builder and his cheerleaders got booted from AS for ridiculing and slandering other builders. They took their crap over to another site that has a chainsaw forum, and the site moderator (a very nice fellow) immediately put a stop to their antics. On another site the moderator rejected their registrations.

I sincerely hope that everyone heeds Darin's warnings. The downside of crackdowns is some people who are marginally involved the fights also get included in the clean-up, which leads to more fights, which leads to more clean-ups, etc. A lot of good people left AS because of the builder wars, and it would be a shame to have that happen again.

Another good post. "Builder Wars" I think that might be a good TV show but not a good forum. It does get out of hand easier here than on other sites I think. There is way more content to keep an eye on. I do want to keep people around. We may have differences but I feel we can get through them. Just need to be able to be more PC through it.
I'm done with it. To Brad and all, I am sorry. I am very high strung and opinionated, always have been, I need to learn to shut up sometimes. While I may not agree with some things I've seen, it's not my problem and I need to shut up.
So Brad, feel free to start your threads, you are right it was very informative and helpful to a lot, and I was wrong to crap in it in the manner I did. I'll stay out of it from now on.
Again, I am sorry to all.

Thanks Andy. Appology accepted:cheers: Now let's build some saws folks. All the info is in a new thread now. I'm not the top authority, but I'll do my best to answer what I can. That's how I learned what I know.
Thanks Andy. Appology accepted:cheers: Now let's build some saws folks. All the info is in a new thread now. I'm not the top authority, but I'll do my best to answer what I can. That's how I learned what I know.


Alright, Speaking of built saws I just got video last night of my 880!

Here it is stock

To suggest that posting this thread in another section of AS would remedy the problem is laughable at best. This is the chainsaw forum of AS , the thread was on porting a chainsaw, this is the place for it. How about threads where people post pics of tools they've made, or how to do a certain procedure, how they store their saws, or raffles? Do they also not belong here?

Oh come on! Threads about modding saws for workable power should go in the modded work saw section. there is a forestry & logging forum, can you guess what we talk about in there? Forestry & logging. If we had the two split into two forums, we would talk logging in the logging forum & forestry in the forestry forum.
No we don't see the same head count as the chainsaw forum, but we dont have to deal with all the doo doo head cookie cutters and their dark satire. . . :highfive:
You call that a saw Gink? My 192t could do those cuts in three or four times longer:rotfl:
Looks and sounds good, but tighten up the chain next time!:laughn:
Hey Darin, It is nice to see you putting in a little more face time around here, no matter the reason.
Hey Darin, It is nice to see you putting in a little more face time around here, no matter the reason.

Yeah, it will be like this probably till June? Then I get busy again!!
You always are going to have "haters" if you consistently post your work, so that issue won't go away, and you seem to go out of your way on occasion to produce others.

The solution is simple. If you object to the way the forum is being moderated, get a sponsor forum that you can moderate in whatever way you see fit.

I don't agree. Its all about Brad and his haters.

I've posted all of my builds until as of the last couple. And none of my threads have turned out this way. There are some people, you included that come around and post crap, nothing to do with you but you guys stick your nose where it doesn't belong, you say your trying to protect the newbies, but I don't believe you, its pretty obvious, every time brads threads come up, Edisto, Gink, harrybarker, stihldeerehere, they main ones I can think of, I'm sure there are more, all show up like a big group of schoolyard bullies and push Brad around, pretty sad actually.

Rant off. Now I'm sure I'm on your hate list now too, but I don't care.

Crap like this is why I've pretty much stopped posting here anymore.
I don't agree. Its all about Brad and his haters.

I've posted all of my builds until as of the last couple. And none of my threads have turned out this way. There are some people, you included that come around and post crap, nothing to do with you but you guys stick your nose where it doesn't belong, you say your trying to protect the newbies, but I don't believe you, its pretty obvious, every time brads threads come up, Edisto, Gink, harrybarker, stihldeerehere, they main ones I can think of, I'm sure there are more, all show up like a big group of schoolyard bullies and push Brad around, pretty sad actually.

Rant off. Now I'm sure I'm on your hate list now too, but I don't care.

Crap like this is why I've pretty much stopped posting here anymore.

I really don't care who it is...Just want it to stop. I think we can have it stop. Thanks for your input.
I don't agree. Its all about Brad and his haters.

I've posted all of my builds until as of the last couple. And none of my threads have turned out this way. There are some people, you included that come around and post crap, nothing to do with you but you guys stick your nose where it doesn't belong, you say your trying to protect the newbies, but I don't believe you, its pretty obvious, every time brads threads come up, Edisto, Gink, harrybarker, stihldeerehere, they main ones I can think of, I'm sure there are more, all show up like a big group of schoolyard bullies and push Brad around, pretty sad actually.

Rant off. Now I'm sure I'm on your hate list now too, but I don't care.

Crap like this is why I've pretty much stopped posting here anymore.

I have to admit, I've been sniping of late. I tend to lash out when I get ticked off, and I can hold a grudge for quite some time. I think gink has good reason to be ticked too, but it's easy to get too caught up in things. It's pretty clear that when you get lumped in with barker and STD, that you're doing more harm than good.

I don't have a hate list, and if I did, you'd be one of the last people I'd put on it.

I do have an overwhelming lack of respect for one individual that I certainly didn't have when I joined, and that transition wasn't influenced by anyone on this site except for that one individual.

I can keep it to myself (or at least keep it civil). Not doing so just pushes me down the same road.
I really don't care who it is...Just want it to stop. I think we can have it stop. Thanks for your input.

Same here Darin. Nice to hear from you on this stuff. Its pretty much the same thing over and over. This is why I find my self visiting other forums more often. Petty and childish to say the least.

And for those of you that think I'm one of Brad's followers. I'm not, just an outsider looking in. I've been accused of being a Brad cheerleader before, and I'll say it again, I'M NOT, I wont name names because it doesn't really matter. I don't personally know Brad or any of his friends on here, I've never bought a saw from him, he's never done any work for me, so I have no reason to defend him and his work. I believe him when he says he does it for the enjoyment, he posts here because he likes to share his work. Why do I believe him you may think? Well, because I'm just like him, I've posted every saw build I've done in the past few years, why? Because I enjoy sharing what I do with you guys, its of no benefit to me to post what I do, I don't do paid port jobs for anybody, I've had 1 saw sent to me from a local BC guy, to get running well for him, since he wasn't happy with it, its been a few months since I got it, he's away and doesn't need it, I have way more time invested in it then I could even charge for, in the end I'll probably charge nothing, I did it because I thought I'd help a guy out. I've done a few machine jobs for a few guys on here, but not even close on recouping money I've spent on tools, lathe, fixtures, I just do it simply because I enjoy doing it and get some satisfaction from helping people. People need to stop worrying about problems which doesn't concern them. I can't see how people say its about the money, to me it simply isn't worth it at all for the amount of abuse he puts up with, and I could use some extra money for sure, and I'm pretty sure Brad doesn't need it, but that's neither here nor there. I would imagine he spends more on saws then he brings in on porting saws, but that's just a guess.

There is such a good key group of guys here, that only post good stuff, and I never see their names come up with the garbage, got lots of respect for them, I'm sure they know who they are.

This sillyness with chainsaws is just that. Its like Brad is taking food off your families plates or something??? Just don't get it.

I could go on all night, but I wont.
I have to admit, I've been sniping of late. I tend to lash out when I get ticked off, and I can hold a grudge for quite some time. I think gink has good reason to be ticked too, but it's easy to get too caught up in things. It's pretty clear that when you get lumped in with barker and STD, that you're doing more harm than good.

I don't have a hate list, and if I did, you'd be one of the last people I'd put on it.

I do have an overwhelming lack of respect for one individual that I certainly didn't have when I joined, and that transition wasn't influenced by anyone on this site except for that one individual.

I can keep it to myself (or at least keep it civil). Not doing so just pushes me down the same road.

Well, I guess I'm happy I'm not on your list. A life full of negativity would really suck. I just don't get why people get so worked up about stuff that in life means nothing. I told myself a when the site did the big change, that I wasn't posting for a while, it was the straw that broke the camel's back, and I'd never come into one of these threads again, and well look at me, I'm here posting in one. I have quite a few saws, and if tomorrow I lost them all, or had to give them up for some reason, my life would go on, I'd still say goodnight to my kids and give them a kiss, I'd wake up and say goodbye to them and go to work.

I'd just really like for this to stop, if it keeps up and gets worse, it'll just keep pushing me away, which in the end is really of no loss to me, I've enjoyed it here for the years I've been here, met some great people, which I'll still keep in touch with.
I'd just really like for this to stop, if it keeps up and gets worse, it'll just keep pushing me away, which in the end is really of no loss to me, I've enjoyed it here for the years I've been here, met some great people, which I'll still keep in touch with.

It'd be a loss to the forum for sure.

I definitely get way too worked up. I'm not going to stop pointing out BS (and I'll probably lose my cool a time or two) but I'll work on pointing it out in a civil fashion, and then letting it go.
Same here Darin. Nice to hear from you on this stuff. Its pretty much the same thing over and over. This is why I find my self visiting other forums more often. Petty and childish to say the least.

And for those of you that think I'm one of Brad's followers. I'm not, just an outsider looking in. I've been accused of being a Brad cheerleader before, and I'll say it again, I'M NOT, I wont name names because it doesn't really matter. I don't personally know Brad or any of his friends on here, I've never bought a saw from him, he's never done any work for me, so I have no reason to defend him and his work. I believe him when he says he does it for the enjoyment, he posts here because he likes to share his work. Why do I believe him you may think? Well, because I'm just like him, I've posted every saw build I've done in the past few years, why? Because I enjoy sharing what I do with you guys, its of no benefit to me to post what I do, I don't do paid port jobs for anybody, I've had 1 saw sent to me from a local BC guy, to get running well for him, since he wasn't happy with it, its been a few months since I got it, he's away and doesn't need it, I have way more time invested in it then I could even charge for, in the end I'll probably charge nothing, I did it because I thought I'd help a guy out. I've done a few machine jobs for a few guys on here, but not even close on recouping money I've spent on tools, lathe, fixtures, I just do it simply because I enjoy doing it and get some satisfaction from helping people. People need to stop worrying about problems which doesn't concern them. I can't see how people say its about the money, to me it simply isn't worth it at all for the amount of abuse he puts up with, and I could use some extra money for sure, and I'm pretty sure Brad doesn't need it, but that's neither here nor there. I would imagine he spends more on saws then he brings in on porting saws, but that's just a guess.

There is such a good key group of guys here, that only post good stuff, and I never see their names come up with the garbage, got lots of respect for them, I'm sure they know who they are.

This sillyness with chainsaws is just that. Its like Brad is taking food off your families plates or something??? Just don't get it.

I could go on all night, but I wont.

Easy ole boy, ya getting wound up there. Since this a debate of sort I can proudly say I usually ignore Brads so called build threads. I will read over them but rarely comment because they're like watching old re runs on TV, same thing over and over. Same style, same video process after the build, same ole awwww it runs awesome for every single saw built, blah blah, boring to me, not worth commenting on far as I'm concerned. Even so if he likes putting them up more power to him. This clamping down on what can be said now, making people zip it up on what they really think will in my opinion ruin this site. Being afriad to comment will pretty much render these build threads pointless won't it? Oh I know it gets heated and the mud flies, pfffft, you guys should come deal with me in the shop when I'm in a bad mood. These threads sound like childs play compared to the real McCoy face to face. Carry on, does make for good reading..
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It'd be a loss to the forum for sure.

I definitely get way too worked up. I'm not going to stop pointing out BS (and I'll probably lose my cool a time or two) but I'll work on pointing it out in a civil fashion, and then letting it go.

Cool man. I'm sure everyone would appreciate it for sure, especially if everyone would follow suit.

Pointing out the BS is fine. That's what we're here for LOL. I've been told more times then I can count that I'm full of BS LOL. Lots of times I am, not just on here though LOL. :rotfl:

These new smiley's are BS
Easy ole boy, ya getting wound up there. Since this a debate of sort I can proudly say I usually ignore Brads so called build threads. I will read over them but rarely comment because they're like watching old re runs on TV, same thing over and over. Same stlye, same video process after the build, same ole awwww it runs awesome for every single saw built, blah blah, boring to me, not worth commenting on far as I'm concerned. Even so if he likes putting them up more power to him. This clamping down on what can be said now, making people zip it up on what they really think will in my opinion ruin this site. Being afriad to comment will pretty much render these build threads pointless won't it? Oh I know it gets heated and the mud flies, pfffft, you guys should come deal with me in the shop when I'm in a bad mood. These threads sound like childs play compared to the real McCoy face to face. Carry on, does make for good reading..

Well I agree somewhat. I don't think they don't want people to post, and state their opinions, that's what makes us who we are, its the constant trying to make people look bad and discredit them. How come we never really hear from the truly GREAT saw builders??? HMMM wonder why.

Don't worry I wouldn't be afraid of taking care of some greasy hair old dude like yourself,:hmm3grin2orange: I know how to run my mouth with the best of them. Just don't see the point on here, doesn't prove much.