Addicted to ArboristSite
Here's a novel approach, try posting it where it belongs.
Here's a novel approach, try posting it where it belongs.
This kind of thread has always been in the chainsaw forum, proving this has nothing to do with it.
And it's always had a pile of garbage associated with it.
Think there might be a correlation ?
Proving it has everything to do with it.
Here's a novel approach, try posting it where it belongs.
Then that pile of garbage is the problem. This is a chainsaw forum you know.
No doubt it is the problem.
I hang out in the modded work saw forum and don't see this crap there.
So why is it you consistently post here knowing this, instead of posting in the proper forum?
Do you in reality enjoy the harrasment?
I usually stay out of the fight threads but I'll get in this one. I like Brads threads they all need cleaned up, Brad how about getting your own forum in the sponsor part of the forum get all your threads moved there. Then you get to mod it yourself.
Unlike others in this thread, I'll put my money where my mouth was and pay for the first month.
To suggest that posting this thread in another section of AS would remedy the problem is laughable at best. This is the chainsaw forum of AS , the thread was on porting a chainsaw, this is the place for it. How about threads where people post pics of tools they've made, or how to do a certain procedure, how they store their saws, or raffles? Do they also not belong here?
To suggest that posting this thread in another section of AS would remedy the problem is laughable at best. This is the chainsaw forum of AS , the thread was on porting a chainsaw, this is the place for it. How about threads where people post pics of tools they've made, or how to do a certain procedure, how they store their saws, or raffles? Do they also not belong here?
You wouldn't have those posts/threads if it weren't for the handful of haters causing the distractions. None of this crap should be tollerated, including my rebuttals.The sponsor forum is going to be the only solution to having a crap-free thread, especially for someone with a tendency to start poo-storms of their own.
You wouldn't have those posts/threads if it weren't for the handful of haters causing the distractions. None of this crap should be tollerated, including my rebuttals.
You wouldn't have those posts/threads if it weren't for the handful of haters causing the distractions. None of this crap should be tollerated, including my rebuttals.
wow, been on this site for a little while now and just saw the modded worksaw forum this morning, didn't even know it existed.
wow, been on this site for a little while now and just saw the modded worksaw forum this morning, didn't even know it existed.
I had to look a little too.