Mr. Brutus
my patio outdoor fireplace
Brutus is very special to me. what a wonderful addition he has proven to be for me!
"a fire a day, what can I say? !" I just love him and
I got him free! 
[btw - free workx for me!; lol] one day I was walking down my division's green belt and I noticed 2 old fireplaces on the side with stuff all grown up around them. omg, I thot. how I wanted one, but had no idea how to get it. well, both sat there for over 2 years. then one was gone.

I knew I had to get with the program. but how to move it easily?? i mulled on it constantly. and well... it soon came to me one day, make a skid, use my tiller as a prime mover and my log-splitter as the rear wheels... tow in the skid!

so I did that. got some help and we went to get it. moved back to my property with ease, I was happy. got it on my property and in a place I could live with and... 20 minutes later I had a fire in it.

that was 6 or so years ago, and it has been burning nearly non stop ever since.
Brutus .png)
Brutus has campfires in him year round even in the midst of summer and 98F out...

I have thought about a chase and some trim work in wood. but I kinda like the metal exposed. the Austin stone helps with a make-shift hearth extension, and the junk around is tuff I have scrounged here and there... even the end irons, someone had thrown out on the curb one day. the gas can was just set there before I lit a fire and I moved after pix. had used it to put some gasoline on towelette to clean something... I don't use gasoline to start my fires. and I often bake in it under the fire...
Brutus makes the most wonderful baked potatoes, big Russets. takes about 3 hours or so for a big spud, wrapped in tin foil, no oils... bit longer if colder out. I used expanded metal to keep the coals up and in the grate... he did not come with a grate. I added it and tuned it all to work well. the fire marshal stopped by one day, wanted to check things out, and checked my operation and... gave me a
"thumbs up!"
Brutus is a Majestic 36" wood burning fireplace using a triple 10" flue... 10-12'. firebrick in rear, stepped out metal on sides. he is old, but servicing well. I stay on top of his needs and cater to him with a keen eye. in return... he is steadfast and loyal!! and always up for the Call of The Wild

I enjoy sitting by him, even more so close up on cold days. he is one heck of a fire breathing dragon... on any cold night I want to enjoy dinner or cold beer as he casts out warm heat... he will get with the program!! I say... " hey, you should see Brutus tonite... why he looks just like the 2nd shift over at Bethleham Steel!!! lol....
Brutus, clearly my favorite fireplace!... just know it, why
this dawg can hunt!!!
ps: when I went to haul out Brutus... believe it or not, the last fire he had in him well a lot of it the unburned bits of wood, ash... still in the hearth!!