IIRC his post was just to show off a nice tree he fell. If he hasn't already, maybe he'll now do some digging here about proper techniques. Ron
That statement is what is said for most bad cuts, it is lame and has been.The tree is on the ground no one got hurt, that we know of anyway. All kinds of reasons to do a cut like that, hardware or whatever reason he had.
And yeah I was a farmer and most of my friends are. Did you eat today, you're welcome.
Do you still wonder why people hardly post any pictures in this thread anymore?
Do you wonder why most of us don't come to this thread anymore?
I used to have some respect for you guys. Used to.
Yeah, about what I expected. Guess I'll let this picture forum die too.
Nobody put me in charge and I was going to reword that but didn't want to waste anymore time here. Do you see how many posts are in here lately? Those of us who used to post here have moved to other forums here because of this crap. I've posted pictures of cuts that I've done and the tree didn't do what I expected it to do and actually had some help now it's just a laugh and embarrass the guy until he goes away. And the forum dies out.
I didn't really see the humor in the photo but it was a poor photo for my old eyes anyway. I still remember the very 1st tree I ever cut down. There used to be 2 very large old dead elm trees in our field and one day my brother decided to cut one down. Trouble was the tree was 5' across and all Dad had was a Muculloch saw with a little 18" bar. After 4 hours of trying to burn his way thru he had made it about halfway. I spent the next 3 or 4 days cut little blocks out of that tree until it finally fell over. I tried sharpening the saw, busting chunks out with an axe everything until it finally fell down. I just wish I had a camera so I could have taken pictures of it. I would love to hear your comments on it, it truely was a work of art. And at the time I was a farmer so yeah it was a Farmers cut for sure. I waited 10 years before I cut the other tree down and it was almost a repeat of the 1st one only without my older brothers start. That old Muculloch is long gone now and I sure don't miss it. Now I cut trees down all the time and thanks to the guys here I would like to think I do a decent job of it. (most of the time) Us old guys have to teach the young fellas or they will never learn. My son and nephews sat in the house playing video games and watching tv while I cut trees down today, not real impressed with that but it seems to be the way now.
I see your point. My mistake I assumed (yes I know what happens) That they were younger. Sounds as though they are both doing well in life and must have had a good upbringing.rwoods, I agree that the guy maybe got lucky but it also looks like there was nothing valuable other than the cutter himself in the way of that tree. It would have been nice to know his reason for doing that type of cut but now that he is long gone we will just assume he had no idea what he was doing.
I do some different cutting sometime just to see what the tree will do, of course I pick those trees to practice on. I hate using wedges and cutting in a bush so not really concerned about which way a tree will fall but it's nice to practice and get them to go where you want instead of where they want to go.
watchamakalit. My son and nephews are old enough (26, I still call them kids) to do lots and they all have good jobs, they also grew up together but now live far enough away that they only get to see each other a couple of times a year now so I never get on their case about playing in the bush with me. I have an office job and I cut wood to wind down and relax they play games and do whatever to wind down also, guess it sounded like they were too lazy to do anything. My son is a licensed auto mechanic and is getting his motorcycle licence right now. He works on and builds Harleys. My one nephew is a Field Manager for a Solar Collector company. The other nephew runs a pay loader and a gravel crusher. I just thought they might like to go back and drop some bog trees for fun, they just have other ideas of fun than most of us here.
You should consider retiring that cut method, I don't think its worth a damn at any time...ever.I thought I had a spot to try the farmers cut, sloping backcut, Dutchman or whatever it is called. Maple and ash growing right beside each other and didn't want to damage the maple. Didn't work worth a crap for getting it on the ground but at least I never cut the maple. Pushed it down with the tractor.
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