Talk about breaking out the fire hose fir a water balloon fight
Big Wood. Lol
just a rotten ol spruce and 14' sequoia . with a660 and sawfun's nice 090g . thanks for the use of it.A 2 Fer?
white oakHickory?
And an sweet truck to boot!
My dad had that same color scheme on his 86' suburban.
the competition for the biggest tree looks to be stiff! you may not win, but you just might win 'the prize' for biggest chain saw! wow - how long is that bar? nice pix, btw...
as are all of them in this rather unique thread. cudo's to all the lumberjacks!!![
That bar is 96"
Great pics! Looks like it's in your blood. Could you tell us a bit about the saw. Model and whether stock or not.