Post pictures of your woodpile/splitting area

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Hi guys. This is my first post on AS. I figure this thread is a good place to get started. Here are some pics of my modest wood pile, wagon and splitter. I just bought my house last summer. Paying to heat the place on LP just about drained me this last winter so i'v decided to burn wood. The county came by a few months ago i took down 4-5 trees around the house that were dying and in danger of falling into the road and power lines. I'm pretty sure they were all maple. I use my Jeep and the little wagon to haul it around to my wood pile. My grandpa has lent me his splitter so i'v been chippin away at the down trees when i have time. It sure would be nice to have wood stockpiled a couple years in advance like some of you guys. I wish i had some of the equipment you guys have too. First on the list is to find a nice wood furnace to put in the basement...

That is a pretty tough looking splitter you got there! I bet that can bust about anything open! Got any more pics of the splitter ? I am very interested in it.
This one belongs to my neighbor down the road. Its a crappy phone photo but you get the gist of it.
I drool every time I pass by... Lots of good wood in there.

This one belongs to my neighbor down the road. Its a crappy phone photo but you get the gist of it.
I drool every time I pass by... Lots of good wood in there.


Ah! Nice dead seasoned wood :) I am very jealous, I would love to have so much wood like that. I am also drooling!
It is messy and a work in progress. This is mostly Douglas-fir with a bit of maple mixed in. It will be for the winter after the upcoming winter. That's metal roofing left over from tearing down a roofed over mobile home that was on the property.

This is where I dump it out of my little pickup and then split it. I call it my gym area. Since I split with a maul, it is a workout. This is our native Red Alder and Douglas-fir.

This is the view in the morning as the fog burns off. If the world was perfect, I have had the house built on this part of the place, but due to the existence of a shop building, it was not feasible. So, the house is still on top of a knob, but a bit lower.

Next winter and much of the next, is in a shed that I "remodeled" for storing firewood.

I heat with wood in a woodstove. I only burn a couple of cords per fall, winter, and spring. My house is of a modest size and well insulated.

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That is a pretty tough looking splitter you got there! I bet that can bust about anything open! Got any more pics of the splitter ? I am very interested in it.

I'm working on getting pictures. The setting sun is making glares right now. I'l post em up on the splitter thread when i get em. In the meantime, can somebody give me directions on posting pictures or lead me to a thread that tells how? How do i get the picture to show and not just the link?
Something tells me Splittin Images of SLOWP aint in the cards....

I however think SLOWP don't need no stinkin badges neither.

I can only suggest Slowp take the advice of another firewood stacker, (not me) and merely put a four footer across the three stacks of 16" faces every two foot or so, to lock them together....

I see SLOWP cuts alot of quarters and halves, and has only the six inch kind of wholes, cherry picking good stuff, with her (manly) girly arms, -she splits by hand.

SLOWP is a better man than I, splitting all by hand, and I'm the only man between us. I'm a total wuss, and don't split by hand.
Sounds like it is going to be pretty neat! Make sure you take pictures of the process, LOL

Ha, will do Shane ! I'm hoping to make something that's made mostly of natural materials, as-found from the bush. I want to minimize the use of square wood (unless I cut it myself), and make it as natural as possible. Poplar is awesome, a 12-14' pole skins clean in about 5 minutes with a hatchet, I've got 6 long poles to start with the structure, I'll need quite a few more than that.

The idea is 2 stories, lower level will have a 6 foot ceiling (which will be the fiberglass tonneau cover of my Ford F150 supercab), and above that will be a tree house of sorts, for the kids. Maybe a roof, maybe not. We'll see how it evolves. The good news is, if it turns out like crap, it's all firewood anyway !!!!

Wish me luck, might need some !!!
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Maybe i should move to would be pretty nice to only have to find the time to process two cords of doug fir.
Maybe i should move to would be pretty nice to only have to find the time to process two cords of doug fir.

Nope. There's too many people from somewhere else here already. We're not friendly. It has been raining all week. I have a fire going in the stove to warm up the house and keep the mildew at bay. You have to embrace the weather--understand the culture, to live here. You have to know the difference between fog, light drizzle, heavy drizzle, rain and frog stranglers. Mild Climate means cool summers, often with fog and drizzle. I figure my home grown tomatoes cost me about $4 or $5 apiece after I manage to finish ripening them in my window in September or October.

Remember, we're supposed to get radiated and die here. The TV news was just talking about the Japanese Tsunami debris that is already washing up on the beaches. They are mentioning radiation levels
of the plastic. Nothing to worry about-----yet.

Nope, don't move here.. Besides, gas is $4.36 per gallon right now. Our prices have been climbing even as we hear the rest of the country's prices are going down.
Nope. There's too many people from somewhere else here already. We're not friendly. It has been raining all week. I have a fire going in the stove to warm up the house and keep the mildew at bay. You have to embrace the weather--understand the culture, to live here. You have to know the difference between fog, light drizzle, heavy drizzle, rain and frog stranglers. Mild Climate means cool summers, often with fog and drizzle. I figure my home grown tomatoes cost me about $4 or $5 apiece after I manage to finish ripening them in my window in September or October.

Remember, we're supposed to get radiated and die here. The TV news was just talking about the Japanese Tsunami debris that is already washing up on the beaches. They are mentioning radiation levels
of the plastic. Nothing to worry about-----yet.

Nope, don't move here.. Besides, gas is $4.36 per gallon right now. Our prices have been climbing even as we hear the rest of the country's prices are going down.

Thank you for "taking one for the team" slowp...
Please continue to cater to all the weirdo's so they don't come down here...
You're the best!!!
The Ozarks.
Nope. There's too many people from somewhere else here already. We're not friendly. It has been raining all week. I have a fire going in the stove to warm up the house and keep the mildew at bay. You have to embrace the weather--understand the culture, to live here. You have to know the difference between fog, light drizzle, heavy drizzle, rain and frog stranglers. Mild Climate means cool summers, often with fog and drizzle. I figure my home grown tomatoes cost me about $4 or $5 apiece after I manage to finish ripening them in my window in September or October.

Remember, we're supposed to get radiated and die here. The TV news was just talking about the Japanese Tsunami debris that is already washing up on the beaches. They are mentioning radiation levels
of the plastic. Nothing to worry about-----yet.

Nope, don't move here.. Besides, gas is $4.36 per gallon right now. Our prices have been climbing even as we hear the rest of the country's prices are going down.

Well, if you have a choice in how you die, it might as well be from eating radioactive salmon and halibut.

Its going to be in the mid 90's and dry for a few days here in SW Michigan. This weekend will mark the yearly invasion of the Illinois people who pretty well ruin everything here for 3 months each year. They turn our lake into a blender, fill it with trash, then leave. I'd gladly switch places with you. Plus, you are a short flight to Ketchikan and a stones throw from Craig aka Heaven.
If I were in charge of state immigration policy, I'd institute a 3 for one rule. Before one person can move here, at least 3 must move out.

Unfortunately, the liberal/conservative (choose whichever you believe) media has said that the Puget Sound area is the other Silicon Valley.

Don't move here.
Well, if you have a choice in how you die, it might as well be from eating radioactive salmon and halibut.

Its going to be in the mid 90's and dry for a few days here in SW Michigan. This weekend will mark the yearly invasion of the Illinois people who pretty well ruin everything here for 3 months each year. They turn our lake into a blender, fill it with trash, then leave. I'd gladly switch places with you. Plus, you are a short flight to Ketchikan and a stones throw from Craig aka Heaven.

Same here in NH, Mass is coming in using the state as there toilet, then leaving. All the while telling us how much we need them.