Post pictures of your woodpile/splitting area

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Thanks for all the kind remarks. I do also have a college kid. We had a 16 foot trailer load for him when he got home for the holidays to get split up. Plays college baseball a good way to get in a good work out.
The younger son really appreciates the money we save from burning wood. I just wish I would have made the buy 3 years ago. Man the money that I have saved is crazy and being warmer in the house just makes it that much better. But hey I am saving now that is all that is matters to me. Really enjoy the site like reading all the post.
Thanks for all the kind remarks. I do also have a college kid. We had a 16 foot trailer load for him when he got home for the holidays to get split up. Plays college baseball a good way to get in a good work out.
The younger son really appreciates the money we save from burning wood. I just wish I would have made the buy 3 years ago. Man the money that I have saved is crazy and being warmer in the house just makes it that much better. But hey I am saving now that is all that is matters to me. Really enjoy the site like reading all the post.

Welcome to AS. Rep sent. :)
a little red oak today this loag brings me up to 150. cords so far
Just bought a new wood shed for 50.00!! Had to drag it out of the woods from alongside one of our christmas tree fields and get it ready to haul over to my farm today, soon as we empty a hay wagon, it will be in place!! Have all the steel for 3 sides, but only going to put 2 of them back on, leaving the west and east sides open, no more tarps with snow on them for me!!
Its 12 ft. deep, 18 ft wide, and 10 ft tall. View attachment 245031View attachment 245032

Could not find any pictures of the finished product, so.....
View attachment 269525View attachment 269526View attachment 269527

Hoping to have 2-3 times this much wood by spring. Use the 2520 when I cut in the woods when the weather's nice. Load the bucket, dump in the wagon hooked to the 1520. Use the 4030 in the snowy photo to pull tops and trees in when I want a change of pace. Just got choker hooks and grab links for my 1/2" log chain. Should be able to pull 5 tops at a time, depending on terrain.
Is that how cutters get 'blued'?


yes and no...

usually when people are talking about "blued cutters" they are saying that the thin sharp edge got heated up too much by attempting to remove too much material while sharpening with an electric chain grinder. that's why its best to just do a little at a time on a really rocked out chain and maybe go around it a few times. and always use the quick tapping method allowing the cutter to cool slightly before hitting it with the wheel again.

usually when ya see discoloration like that in wood its caused by a foreign object (nail, wire, railroad spike...) in the tree. when ya find that with your chain it tends to lead to the kind of rocked out chain the requires alot of metal to be removed and thus does lead to "blued cutters"

couldn't tell if that was a sarcastic or rhetorical question or not so i answered it anyway

Edit: i should have looked to see that your no where near a newbie before answering that. youve been around long enuf to have read that discussion many times over. but if anybody else was wondering, there ya go
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