ArboristSite Operative
WOW, all I can say is that even though all I am is a homeowner I wish I had that much space and that much wood stacked up 
Thanks,Awesome! How many cord per stack? And are you using a processor, or just a variety of your even more awesome fleet of saws?
And you must have some pretty steady customers to move all that wood!
Very impressive but it would seem to me that although the mass piles do not aid in seasoning times, you probably have a system of using the outer drier layers while exposing the inner layers for more drying time. Either that or you aren't concerned at all about seasoning as you are a wholesaler and all you do is move wood?
Or... you have so much that the stacks you pull from are many years split?
Most impressive Mr Bow Saw! What type (species) of wood do you use in your operation in CA?
I'm impressed. Do you use a processor?
I have had this Wood splitter for years. The guy I bought this from built it back in the
1960's. The splitter is mounted on a 1950's Toro Tractor. When I got it from him it had
no brakes just a parking brake. He had been using it that way for some time so we did too.
Just had to drive it around in the yard so no big deal.
About two years ago the trans went out. I looked for another one but could not
find one. So I hooked up a tow bar to move it around with my Loader Tractor.
I bought a 1977 3/4 chevy truck real cheap that runs to mount it on a year ago.
I did not have the change to change it over until now. The guys were splitting with it
every day.
I got the truck ready by removing the bed and welding on a piece of 2x3 box tubing.
I started taking it off the Toro. Lots of welds to cut off with
the torch. Got the large oil tank off first.
Next I got it loose and pull the Toro out from under the splitter frame.
I got the Toro pulled out from under the splitter frame and moved
over to were it is now.
Last Sunday I spent a few hours on it. I had to clean off a few welds with
the torch and grinder. Then backed the truck under it and got it all lined up.
I started working on this two weeks ago.
I can't work on it all the time straight.
I have Firewood Business stuff to deal with everyday. Wood being sold and loads of
wood coming in. My guys are splitting wood with my other smaller splitter everyday.
,I got it welded on and mounted the tank and hooked it up early this week.
I had a few other thing to do on it. Its done now.
It lifts its self up by the cable that go's over the pulley and hooks to the blade.
The other end hooks to the frame.
Ready to split wood.
I had a little time make a Video
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/7x0D-Gszu5M" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Thats amazing that you split that volume of wood with that splitter. Do your guys draw straws to see who has to work on there knees all day or do they take turns. :msp_smile:
Looks good Mr Bowsaw I am guessing that real estate is expensive and labor is cheap out your way.
Yes, real estate is expensive. Labor is not cheap like it used to be years ago.
None of the guys working for me make minimum wage. They are way above that.
Two of them have bought homes while working here.