Yea working on it!Looking good, keep it up! Keep chipping away at it, eventually you get wayyyy ahead!
I bought my first saw after the divorce of my parents in September 2011. No wood left (We used to have around 30 cords in storage before the divorce started. But I didn't cut anymore since we were likely to move to another place. But instead, we bought the house and the wood storage got split up, and our 15 cords were already burned during the years the divorce was being settled) so I started out with a load of construction leftovers etc to get through the winter. Instant dry but you need to love the nails!:msp_mad: Was able to get enough wood for our home and my gf's until the end of previous month (around 14 cords). Got some more construction leftovers (since yesterday evening) to end the year and start next years burning.
Then I'll start burning oak, almost all stacked in single rows so it dries as quick as possible. And already ready for the 2 years after that so it's going well