stihly dan
Addicted to ArboristSite
Hope that folds down. May be an ach to get it out of the garage.
I stack mine on an old cement foundation left from a shed that I burned down. There is a drain on the far end of the floor and the whole thing sloes that-away. This pile is freshly split, I just need to stack it. When it is stacked I cover it with a Hay Tarp. I have a deal with a local logger that keeps me in more wood than I can handle.
That'll work! Easy wood and get to stack on concrete..that's purdy good there.
Another load of Oak...sectioned and split on the 4th of July...'Merica! The split firewood shown is off of the larger trailer.
Freedom 4th Firewood Festival!
that's looking good man!
This was a fairly straight choke cherry tree that was standing dead. I had only intended to noodle a couple of knotty pieces, but once I started I couldn't stop myself. The entire stem got noodled.
This was a fairly straight choke cherry tree that was standing dead. I had only intended to noodle a couple of knotty pieces, but once I started I couldn't stop myself. The entire stem got noodled.
That's a PILE-of-noodles!
So I finally took the time to take a few pictures of my woodpile when I got home with a load tonight. Just kind of getting rolling, finally. White ash to the right and on the wagon, red oak on the left, red oak and cottonwood on the truck.
This was a fairly straight choke cherry tree that was standing dead. I had only intended to noodle a couple of knotty pieces, but once I started I couldn't stop myself. The entire stem got noodled.
Yeah, with a nice coating of noodles on the ground I don't feel so bad about setting the idling saw on the ground while repositioning rounds. I just can't stand to have the paint worn off the bottom of my saws from idling on a hard surface.