Man Tom....I live upstate, and I think you have more wood on the island then we do up here!!!just fire wood going for 200 cords this year
View attachment 356596 View attachment 356595 Been wet for two weeks and the forklift is turning things to mud at the log deck so I've stopped cutting/splitting for a bit, till it dries up. Almost done with a 20 cord truckload of logs. Maybe a half to a cord to go, which will produce 15 cord total cut/split and stacked. I was hoping for 16. The SuperSplit is just getting warmed up at 17 cord total. Should get an hour meter for it, but at two hours max per cord, that's 34 hours. Each 'tall boy' rack is 6' high, 4'x4' base. The shorter ones are 1/3 cord. Four tall boys are going out tomorrow, and then I can reload them next week.
Not the greatest area but it works, completely rebuilt the woodshed this weekend and cleaned up the area a bit
Wife & I did Holzhausen's last winter. The wood dries as quick as you can stack it!!!! I only have one left now, and I will say longer wood is better. I use short stuff in my stove and 3 of the 4 collapsed at least once. The ones with the dog we figured at about 2 cords each, and the other ones about 3-3/4 each. Nice piles. Keep it up!View attachment 366149 Ive been doing all the splitting down by the wood line just to keep the debris in my yard to a minimum this year, but here is a pic of the pile so far. My BIL that also burns wood and lives around the corner reminded me yesterday that summer is over and get my arse in gear and start splitting. So I guess I'm gonna have to get my rear in high gear. I have two dead standing ash trees at my pops friends house that will burn this year. I also have a VERY large red oak I have to drop at my buddies, but I don't think it'll be ready to burn yet. It had NO leaves this year, but we all know how long the red oak takes to dry out. This pile is 95% ash and a little elm. Elm was at my buddies farm, ash was at a local church.