Post pictures of your woodpile/splitting area

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I need to build me a bigger pole barn but I am doing fine just the way I do it. I just dump it on the ground and split it and dry it when I need it. If it rots just push it over the hill. I've got a big pile of gum no body wants it some day I put my screw splinter on post hole dig on my tractor and do it they all ready sawed half way thru.
delivery was made last night of one load and two more this morning .... taking a total of 8 semi loads @12 cords average for next winter . these last 3 loads is some of the bigger trunks that the processer cant handle with the 28" head! the biggest butt end goes 34" and 28" @ 100" up on the first stick... wet as heck here with our warm winter conditions that way to many fools say that global warming don't exist, so much for what they don't know!!!!IMG_6483.JPG IMG_6482.JPG IMG_6479.JPG IMG_6478.JPG
I'm jelous of those log piles. All I can get from work is what doesn't work on the processor. 24" or bigger. Had a 6' long chunk of red oak last year that was 70" in diameter. What a pain in the arse, but did produce one heck of a stack of splits. Gonna haul more bigguns home Friday and Saturday and give the new TM splitter a workout next week end. Pics at a later date
well I am not a real commercial sales man(150 cd. a year), but I did luck out with the logger I am helping out felling the bigger trees that his processer wont handle! so for this fire wooder, it's get it while the getting's good.... the logger had 3 cords of 100" green ash stolen while he delivered load 2 and went back for load 3...... that's about 3 hours to have a small profit disappear! all there was , was a big pile of saw dust and noodles.
well I am not a real commercial sales man(150 cd. a year), but I did luck out with the logger I am helping out felling the bigger trees that his processer wont handle! so for this fire wooder, it's get it while the getting's good.... the logger had 3 cords of 100" green ash stolen while he delivered load 2 and went back for load 3...... that's about 3 hours to have a small profit disappear! all there was , was a big pile of saw dust and noodles.
That takes some cajones to steal wood from a logger on an active job. Especially to think the guy bucked it on site!
chucker, should be easy to narrow it down and find the guy. If he did it that fast he obviously had a Stihl. So that rules out the other slower saw guys like huskys, poulans, johnsereds etc.
the low life thieves run in packs of 4 usually wearing 1 ton trucks which the law has an eye on a few , but don't really want to deal with this kind of chit!! both the low price of the theft and their kind that the flea bag judge lets go with a warning!! tax payers dollars at unwork! welfare rats, beer money or drugs... take your pick!
Here's a few pics from the past 2 weekends:303.jpg load#1306.jpg load#2305.jpgload#3308.jpgGratuitous saw shot!312.jpgLoad #4 from this past Saturday.314.jpgPuttin it in the boiler room.(its what my dad named it so it has stucklol315.jpgInside the boiler room. When the wife and I finished, both front baskets were heaped up the same and the rear was level. Its Tuesday now and the front basket is just now becoming level. I figure as I empty one, Ill fill with the one in back and just keep moving the wood up to the heater and refill the ones in back.
I worked in a Steel mill for 42 years. We had 1200 employees when I started in 1970. Every time they hired the quality of people got worse. When it shut down in 2012 we only had 150 people working. Amazing to me was 49 of those people were granted disability. One guy got disability for a bad back. He is doing concrete work under the table. A couple guys called me and told me to apply and I said why would I apply when nothing is wrong. I paid my way all my life, not going to change now. This country is in trouble!