Post pictures of your woodpile/splitting area

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I have a hydraulic splitter, but on jobsites and scrounging expeditions it's nice to be able to split some of it up so you're tossing smaller pieces in the trailer. My big splitting maul was a royal pain to use, so I decided to try out what a lot of you guys are using... it came in the UPS truck, today... it feels featherweight compared to the big maul. Hope to try it out, tomorrow.

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looking fwd to your review of it...
I have a hydraulic splitter, but on jobsites and scrounging expeditions it's nice to be able to split some of it up so you're tossing smaller pieces in the trailer. My big splitting maul was a royal pain to use, so I decided to try out what a lot of you guys are using... it came in the UPS truck, today... it feels featherweight compared to the big maul. Hope to try it out, tomorrow.

View attachment 502979

nice pit, too
I have a hydraulic splitter, but on jobsites and scrounging expeditions it's nice to be able to split some of it up so you're tossing smaller pieces in the trailer. My big splitting maul was a royal pain to use, so I decided to try out what a lot of you guys are using... it came in the UPS truck, today... it feels featherweight compared to the big maul. Hope to try it out, tomorrow.

View attachment 502979
You should enjoy it. Just make sure you do a fast swing like a chopping axe. Fiskars like speed to split wood
Trophies, yes! When you do firewooding as both a necessity and as a sport, yep, trophies! Like an excellent stump, you go, nailed it!

I was admiring one of the very few perfect stumps I have achieved. took down a yard maple about 30" dbh, level, perfect hinge, no dutchmen then the owner asked me to cut the top off to make a place for flower pots..

I should have kept that slice to hang on the garage door.
truckn sed: I also got to try out the tire method. 1000% better then having to pick or re-stand the pieces after each swing.

"each swing!"
omg ~ did u split all that wood by hand? :surprised3: I am not sure what others would think... but if so, no doubt you set a standard few if any could, would... follow. not speaking for others, but I know I sure couldn't hand split like that!

but u can be sure I both admire and respect you for doing so. I see no splitter and 'after each swing' says to me... " I hand split my wood!"

"Bravo!" :clap:

Every stick has been hand split. I just built my house and funds are lacking for a hydraulic splitter, plus it's great exercise!
Every stick has been hand split. I just built my house and funds are lacking for a hydraulic splitter, plus it's great exercise!

if we here on the AS had a category, contest... Firewood Splitter Hero of the Year!... I would submit your name!!

awesome... absolutely and totally awesome. 100%! you, imo... da' man! standard setter!! amazing... and so much wood, so nicely stacked and all by hand! WOW... glad I got to see it...

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