Post pictures of your woodpile/splitting area

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Beautiful processor size wood. I wish all the stuff I cut was that size.
No kidding :baba:. All i get is nasty, unevenly cut tree service wood dropped off at my place (from my own tree service). Of course I do get paid to haul it home so that makes it a little better but it still stinks to process.
In post #7308, the photos were from last year, and the log dia. was bigger. Post #7316 is this falls wood, and considerably smaller dia.
Pros and cons to each. (This week I priced renting a processor. I'd love to try it, but the numbers don't work.) These two loads came back to back. I'm sure they are cutting somewhere else by now so Decembers load may be very different. I doubt I'll get to it however, before snow sets in, but should be a good starting point come spring, without having to wait for frost laws on the roads to be lifted. And who knows when prices rise. Last time was when diesel prices peaked two or three years ago.
Built this wood shed this summer, its made from mostly scrap/reject lumber. Tin is from the cabin I tore down.
It holds about 4.5 cords, what I burn in a year. its now full, of dry firdone.jpg 655pro.jpg done.jpg newwood.jpg .
Here is my extra wood, the stacked stuff is a few months old, the other is fresh .
Home made splitter and used by 655 to trim a few overlength rounds.
Found under household items in Facebook .
The little lady that had it said it was getting to heavy for her.
I had to replace the bar and slowly file the gas cap as it had swollen, thats it.

Holy chit. Awesome score. Also awesome that A, she used it and B, considered it a household item!

Is it a boost port?
Moving my wood stack pallets. I originally set them up along the woods because of space and not having known it would be that shady there. So now I'm moving them to a space that will get more sun but still leave space and not be an "eyesore" to the wife.

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I have 7 firewood wood piles. some bigger than others, some smaller still. mostly I work wood in the city. I am always on the look-see for firewood. I have 7 fireplaces, all wood burners! my outdoor unit is fired up constantly, all year round. and I live in the south. I have a couple of splitters. I don't do much by hand. but I am always hunting, finding, cutting, splitting and stacking firewood. here is a real small pile. I had some of my pines cleaned out and most went to the curb. but I kept some, just to split and burn outside. afterall, if I lived off grid, I might burn pine all the time. :yes: I just split the pine and stacked it cause I wanted to have the wood to add here n there when a fire going outside...


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as I say, I am always on the hunt for firewood... lol I spotted this load still in branch form. cut up and in trunk was about 45 mins or so work. I unloaded it... small, med, ok... and 'to split'. the bigger stuff is in front of the smaller...


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the numerous wood sheds, covered pads, pallet pads, etc are interesting. dry wood is best. here is a firewood holder I have had for at least 5 years. only thing is, I never used it until recently. couple weeks back. a shipping crate. found it at my old office. 'walked' it home... as for past 30 years I could walk to my office, 2 blocks, well... block n half :)... did some fixing to it, made it more sturdy, etc, but only thing it held was pine needles. all but abandon. still, I had hope for it. we split this scrounge up recently and stacked it in the 'new' firewood holder. its a bit off my beaten path and adds to ease of movement in and around patio... which is more or less... an outdoor fireplace and related activities. thot some mite like to see how I repurposed the ol shipping crate...

I don't toss out firewood until its good for little else than compost. even the gunge, and sometimes it sits that long, here or there... is ok for Brutus, my outdoor fireplace. also a scrounge... :)


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