On Halloween our area had a freak storm with high winds, knocked the top of a dead oak near my house. This was a problem tree that I have concluded after consulting with various experts, including
@rarefish383 that it needed to be climbed and pieced down. The whole tree leaned toward the house with a huge crotch Y-junction that arched over my driveway. It was a snag situation no matter how you sliced it. Well, as I already mentioned, the top came down within mere feet of my house, the only damage was a baseball sized hole in my attached garage door from a limb-missile upon impact. Turns out that just below that crotch, and about 8' down it was totally hollow and rotted, that's why it came crashing down.
What is funny is that I contracted an arborist to climb and piece it down, they put me on a filler schedule and called the day before, but I couldn't make it over in time to remove some fencing and declined. The next day, the top came down leaving a 60' totem with a clear lay... just saved me a few hundred $$. Got a decent amount of wood from the top, but gave it to my buddy who lives nearby and is just starting out with a woodstove to heat his home. Filled his entire 6' bed of his truck. Decided to take down the remaining standing totem pole today, needed an excuse to break out the 461...
My log pile is growing again, was a little bigger early this spring, but split and stacked it all. There is some logs from a medium sized black cherry and a very large black locust that I felled back in July, but here it is with the oak added to it. Need to get to work soon because I have a LOT of ash to take down in the next few weeks.