Matt said above my splitting/piles are now all covered in snow. I may or may not get motivated and uncover them, I'll probably start cutting some of the leaning locust and bringing it right into the house, I like to do that this time of the year, more fun than getting snow off the pile/tarp. Truth is I probably should get the snow off the pile/tarp as split more since I have plenty of wood cut and the locust isn't going anywhere and I have more coming from the neighbors trees when I drop them

, this is a good problem though right

Here's where I'm at for next yrs wood, I'm a bit over half done right now. The other bay in the woodshed has just a bit more than this in it, I probably should load up the back a bit more since the shelf is in the way of loading a lot in the front, but then again I could cut locust out of the woods next yr if I need to

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