Post pictures of your woodpile/splitting area

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An after picture of the big pecan tree... Bout 3 hours worth of cutting with my work horses...:msp_sneaky:


Ran 2 gallons of pre-mix through the 9010 Saturday... That saw just OWN'S a 36" bar... But she'll wear ya out quick!
Stopped by a neighbor's dairy to drop 2 wind damaged Oak trees while I had the work horses in the truck. One of em' was a dandy... The 36" bar wouldn't reach through this one... Unusual for our area...


Size 13 boot for reference... Sorry, didn't have a tape...:bang:
I think we get the picture. Big tree, no question about it.

The nice thing about that little job, is all I had to do was notch 1 side, cut around the sides, then in the back, then tap in a couple wedges to keep it from going anywhere. Then the fella comes in and "persuades" it with the track loader...
The nice thing about that little job, is all I had to do was notch 1 side, cut around the sides, then in the back, then tap in a couple wedges to keep it from going anywhere. Then the fella comes in and "persuades" it with the track loader...

Sounds pretty easy to me!
Stopped by a neighbor's dairy to drop 2 wind damaged Oak trees while I had the work horses in the truck. One of em' was a dandy... The 36" bar wouldn't reach through this one... Unusual for our area...


Size 13 boot for reference... Sorry, didn't have a tape...:bang:

Do you get to take that one home? Man what i would do for oak up here...
Do you get to take that one home? Man what i would do for oak up here...

Nope... Just dropped em' and chunked the trunks up to 30" pieces with the big bar... The biggest thing they got is a 20", and both father and son have OWB's... Not sure how they're gonna get em' split...:hmm3grin2orange:
Taxing authorities use aerial photographs to spot changes to your property. You need something that grows really fast, and with big tops. My compost bin shows up on Google Maps, and it ain't very big.

Build them under a good canopy pref. cedar or pine make it hard for them:bang::msp_sneaky:
Dolly needs a HD filter kit?

Go on, buy her a new party dress. She'll lover you long(er) time, for sure.
Go on, buy her a new party dress. She'll lover you long(er) time, for sure.

The 9010 is as HD as you're gonna get... It's a pretty cool old school type of saw... you could about drive posts with it.
"Seriously, it's that heavy" :msp_scared:
The 7900 will eventually get one... Maybe... :msp_sneaky:
The 9010 is as HD as you're gonna get... It's a pretty cool old school type of saw... you could about drive posts with it.
"Seriously, it's that heavy" :msp_scared:
The 7900 will eventually get one... Maybe... :msp_sneaky:
For such a good saw, they really could have done a better stock filter on the 7900.
I thought I read on here somewhere that Fiskars would split anything. ;o)

Technically you probably can. If it won't split on end, you can always flip it sideways and chop through the nastier parts. I actually do this *sometimes* but not all the time. I give every piece o wood two chances to split, after that, noodle. What happnes is it might not be ready or seasoned enough, going throughy that with some big pine rounds now. every few weeks I try them, getting to the stage now the outside will come off fairly well, but closer to the heartwood takes some more air drying. some of the crotches won't split on end easy, but laying them sideways, usually a whack on each side and they split.

I just like having a variety of tools so I can grab that which does the best for the job at hand. nice having a variety of saws/sizes plus different splitting tools. Fiskars will do at least 90% of the rounds I encounter. That's a lot of wood really. I could afford to not even mess with the other ten percent, dump it down a ravine, but I like a little challenge so I beaver away at them.

Then there's the work/sport angle. Fiskars is downright fun to swing, the regular maul is just work. Much more fun doing sport splitting.
Taxing authorities use aerial photographs to spot changes to your property. You need something that grows really fast, and with big tops. My compost bin shows up on Google Maps, and it ain't very big.

that's why i keep my stuff at my parents house they have 80 acres. I've got 1.5
that's why i keep my stuff at my parents house they have 80 acres. I've got 1.5

Good idea. Our nearest available acreage is 1400 miles away. That wouldn't be too handy for us. That's ok, we're looking at putting a lot of mileage between us and all these asinine zoning laws.