Post pictures of your woodpile/splitting area

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I use Aspen 2 with chain saws and Aspen 4 (92 octane MON) never had hot start problems with that.

Haven't used pump fuel at all for two years. I don't know how it is in United States, especially in warm-climate parts, but here it's stipulated that gas stations must sell "summer fuel" in June, July and August and "winter fuel" rest of the year.

With small engines, dirt bikes, classic cars etc. summer variant may not ignite very well in cold starts when temperature goes to 0C. And vice versa winter variant can cause vaporization problems in hot conditions.
I recently got 2 trailer loads from a 3rd dump site of what I thought was all red elm. Turns out it was another elm since it lost its brown color upon drying. Some of an unknown wood mixed in. Had it stacked on the side of my rock driveway so I spent some time this week splitting and hauling it this week. Hot week so I only worked an hour at a time. Here's my splitting area. Set up a tarp to catch all the garbage and a garden cart on the left to toss in all the bark which is destined for the burn pile. I do like elm because it lost most of its bark before I split it.
Placed the trailer to the right and tossed the splits in as I go. Notice the operator positioning jig (short round in front) that I use to align my rear the proper distance from the splitter. I only have one of those $1000 farm store splitters so its kind of slow. Which is OK as long as it works. Only bogged down twice in the elm and I have to stop/start. But it went through. The unknown wood (light in color, dark brown heart wood, powder post beetles) was harder to split. Stringy. I thought maple. Meant to get a pic.
I did manage to get the wedge stuck in a piece of this wood late yesterday so I stopped and started again earlier this morning. I managed to get the stuck round off but couldn't start the splitter. Ended up pulling the cord off. Then I noticed the top end had lost a couple of bolts (again) so I just put it away and hauled the wood down the hill to the stacks. I'll work on another engine I have for the splitter first. Easier fix.

Did I say how much I hate doing firewood in St. Louis Summers. If I hadn't lost the first two sites, I'd be done already.


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I split and stacked a face cord of Beech from my spring felling, I still have some Beech rounds left with more rounds of Ash, Yellow Birch and Cherry in the back gully, hopefully I can get another two face cord from that which will give us 54 face cord of hardwood before the fall felling starts.

I think that we have room for another 15 face cord, if I can fill half of that, I'll be happy.


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I reckon will advertise as a work out gym.

Dont go just lift weights! Get that all over ache lifting splitting stacking logs at derwoods open air CrossFit Training center.
Gain endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance, and accuracy
Day rates and memberships & ladys lingerie half price Thursdays.

I reckon will advertise as a work out gym.

Dont go just lift weights! Get that all over ache lifting splitting stacking logs at derwoods open air CrossFit Training center.
Gain endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance, and accuracy
Day rates and memberships & ladys lingerie half price Thursdays.

derwoodii: YouTube it as well!
I started cleaning up the gully today when I removed some Yellow Birch, maybe one White Birch and some Cherry rounds from a tree mother nature felled over the winter. Since some of the Cherry wasn't in great shape, I started stacking a face cord with it on the bottom and then the Yellow Birch and possibly a White Birch. The birch I felled in the spring thinking that more Ash would get felled which never happened, hopefully those Ash get felled this fall.

I don't think we hit 100 in the sun but I'm thinking it was over 90, I guess it's time I back the screw out of the White Pine some and get it back on the tree.


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When I was loading up the trailer with the last load of Yellow Birch, I noticed this Maple that mother nature put down up the hill. I'll see what type of Maple it is before the end of August.

I'm not sure I can get the Rhino in that area, we'll see if it's worth the effort.


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I use Aspen 2 with chain saws and Aspen 4 (92 octane MON) never had hot start problems with that. Haven't used pump fuel at all for two years. I don't know how it is in United States, especially in warm-climate parts, but here it's stipulated that gas stations must sell "summer fuel" in June, July and August and "winter fuel" rest of the year. With small engines, dirt bikes, classic cars etc. summer variant may not ignite very well in cold starts when temperature goes to 0C. And vice versa winter variant can cause vaporization problems in hot conditions.
been wondering if they do summer variants for beer? mine always seems to do well when very cold, but not so hot when hot! ;) actually....

I split and stacked some Cherry today with some Red Maple. Both the Cherry and the Red Maple came down when we received our last wet heavy snow. Parts of the Cherry still had ants in it when I split it so those will get stacked when the ants are gone, the stack will get finished off with what I think is some Norway Maple and some smaller Yellow Birch rounds.

By the end of next week we should have a total of 55 face cord up with room for another 12 face cord of hardwood. The next wood that I'll split and stack will be some Ash, Yellow Birch, Beech and some Maple.

I think it has been a good six years since we had 55 face cord of hardwood up, hopefully the fall felling will fill the empty stacks up.


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I split and stacked some Ash and Yellow Birch today, I still have the back stack that I'll finish off along with the front stack for a total of 55 face cord of hardwood up. We have room for 10 more face cord and then our stacking area for hardwood will be full.

We still have some Ash and Yellow Birch rounds left in the gully that should finish off the front stack and enough Maple to finish off the back.


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