We have the double splitter with the 25' conveyor and one log lift. Ours is older, it says Timber Devil on it. We actually bought ours from Multi-Tek up in Prentice WI. Big firewood guy from Minnesota traded it in on a Multi-Tek Processor. Our main business is storage sheds, we do that April through January, then we split firewood from Jan to April. I have 2 employees that we try to keep busy through the winter so instead of laying them off thats why we do firewood. So for me the Powersplit makes perfect sense seeing that I have 2 guys to operate it. I think the testimonials on Utube is just Powersplits way of marketing their product. I'm sure they just asked their owners to do a little video about the machine, did they pay them for it, who knows? We started with an Iron and Oak splitter, moved to a Timberwolf TW-5 with a conveyor, sold all that and bought the power split when it came available. There is no comparison between the the TW-5 and the power split. The ergonomics of the power split will make you wonder how you ever split wood before. Its hard to explain but as soon as you try one the light bulb goes on in your head and your like wow, this is so much easier. By splitting the wood with it standing on end, you don't have to wrestle it. It just stands there while you split it. You grip the piece from the outside and hold it together while you dice it up with the wedge. then the whole thing goes in the conveyor all spilt up. If your splitting stringy stuff you have to pull it apart some times but not to often.
We buy all of our wood from the loggers up north so we usually get pretty decent stuff. We get some crotches and knots but you just have to read the wood like any other splitter to see the best way to slice it up. The machine can split most of it but we do get some gnarly stuff that it just won't split. You have to remember were selling our wood, customers don't like gnarly looking stuff anyways, so if it takes to much time to split it we just throw it on the side. My neighbor has a big outdoor burner and I just drop off the gnarly stuff for him to burn. I don't like stressing the splitter anyways with the nasty stuff. You also have to watch when your splitting the nasty stuff sometimes the piece will kick out sideways and throw it at the guy working next to you. We do most of our splitting in the winter so it is usually covered in ice and snow, that makes it slip on the table as well. I've considered trying to put some kind of divider in to protect the other guy from that happening. Your knees and thighs will take a beating from wood hitting them if your not careful. You also have to try to cut all your pieces pretty square. If you have a bunch a crooked cuts, along with snow and ice, it can be pretty miserable trying to keep the pieces under the wedge.
All in all its a pretty good machine. We do get wood caught in the conveyor a couple times a day. Sometimes at the top and sometimes at the bottom. With it being all hydraulic drive though its not a big deal. Its not like your going to bust a chain like an old grain elevator. Louis at Powersplit is really nice to deal with. We have ordered parts from him that are specific to the machine no problem. If its a universal type part, he will tell you what they use so you can try to source it stateside instead of shipping it from Canada. He will also give you the names of any owners near you to go look at there machines as well.
The offer still stands if anyone wants to come look at it just let me know. Roscoe 294 not sure where in Michigan you are but Sandhill Crane wants to come look at it as well. I am south of Milwaukee. The ferry across the pond should be starting soon as well if you don't want to drive through Chicago.