- last big saw from my saw days. too old to start it any more. rebuilt with new rings (caber), bearings (nachi), seals. gaskets, oil pump. has automatic as well as manual oil pump. rim drive sprocket, new .404 ga. husqvarna full comp chisel chain. rim drive sprocket. 30" stihl bar w/replaceable tip. rebuilt carburetor, non rev-limiter type. easy to tune. saw has hardly been run, still on break in. ready to work. pardon the poulan starter handle, one I liked from a sandcast model 54.
- may take two packages to ship bar separately. I am in florida zip 33458. the bar and saw empty weigh 25.5 lbs. $500 plus shipping.
if you see the this ad, it is still available. text or email best, poor phone reception at the house but the other two seem to work. my phone is 561-762-8461
text allyn at show contact info . or email .
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