Problems starting my MS440....As Allways!

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One trick that I've used with some success in the field on a variety of saws that are proving difficult to start is to take the air filter off and try again with the filter off and that general area well cleaned.
If this works, please don't cut anything. Keep the carb clean.
This can not only get the saw going, it will tell the operator something.
338RUM said:
I took my saw back to the dealer. He tried to start it, after about 8 pulls, he says, something is wrong, I say no Sh*t..! He takes the saw apart, pulls the plug and has a look. Plug is black as tar, he pulls the saw over while he has the plug held to the block, there was little to no spark. So he says, it's a bad plug, he puts a new one in... Saw starts first pull, and runs great now... Stupid me, I should have thought of that myself....!


I'm suspicious... Unless you're plain unlucky with the original plug, something in how the saw was running made the plug "black as tar"... Keep your eye on it... the warranty will be over before you know it, and if there is a problem, you don't want to have to pay for it. Run the saw for a few days, then pull the plug and look at it - it should be a light brown color.
What fuel mix brand and ratio are you using? If the plug is that fouled after only a few tanks I would suspect poor fuel mix. (too much mix oil)
I was using the gas the dealer put in the saw himself when I bought it.. I only used the half tank. It was a problem from day one! I'll have to see how if goes.. As for my own gas, I use a 50:1 mix of Stihl brand oil and high test gas.
