Project Stumpbroke Husky 395xp

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the 660 has a 2mm longer stroke if you stroked a 385(54mm bore) crank 2mm and you would have a 91.6cc saw which is the exact same cc's of a 660. I would really like to see that build I bet I know what saw would win . I will give you a hint it starts with an H for HAHAHA huskys are always faster. LOL

Because 4 ports = "better than 2":msp_sneaky:
That thing must pull like a freight train now.
Nice work as always!:rock:

I'd like to see how she does in bigger wood.
I hear thats were they really shine.
Looks REAL strong there Stumpy! What RPMs do you have her tuned to? What's the compression?

Thanks Brad, it's tuned to 13,300 & pullin around 10,200 in the wood. Comp is @210 @ shouldn't get much higher since I didn't have to replace the rings.

Here's the Data sheet with all the info on it.
That thing must pull like a freight train now.
Nice work as always!:rock:

I'd like to see how she does in bigger wood.
I hear thats were they really shine.

I stuck it in a different piece of Hard, dry oak that made use of the whole bar. It pulled it just as good with the 8 as it did the 7, even when I dogged it in & pulled on it. It reminds me of a light weight 3120 now.;)
Nice work! But I have a couple of questions. First how much was removed from the squish band ? Second why so little blow down? I thought that this saw would gain from more blow down and less case volume. I have ran alot of 395xp's over the years but never a ported one I would like to port one I have even though about stroking the crank to 40mm and useing my NOS 2100 thin ring piston to make a quad transfer port 398xp or a 3100xp but I know whatever you want to call it it would scream. I have heard of guys stuffing the cases on these saws and also have full circle cranks made for them to reduce case volume. So why go so big with the lower transfers? I am not criticizing I just am trying to learn what I can before I try one. I was also wondering if the lower transfers on a 066 can be opened up like that or not I am trying to get a 064 BB saw running the way I would like it to and I think that I just don't have enough case volume any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I thought if I could open up the lowers like you have on this 395 that it might give me a what I need the only other thing I was thinking of doing was going to a 395 piston using just the top ring and a spacer plate in between the case and cylinder.
Thanks Brad, it's tuned to 13,300 & pullin around 10,200 in the wood. Comp is @210 @ shouldn't get much higher since I didn't have to replace the rings.

Here's the Data sheet with all the info on it.

Mercy, I bet that ole girl will really pull some chips!
Nice work! But I have a couple of questions. First how much was removed from the squish band ? Second why so little blow down? I thought that this saw would gain from more blow down and less case volume. I have ran alot of 395xp's over the years but never a ported one I would like to port one I have even though about stroking the crank to 40mm and useing my NOS 2100 thin ring piston to make a quad transfer port 398xp or a 3100xp but I know whatever you want to call it it would scream. I have heard of guys stuffing the cases on these saws and also have full circle cranks made for them to reduce case volume. So why go so big with the lower transfers? I am not criticizing I just am trying to learn what I can before I try one. I was also wondering if the lower transfers on a 066 can be opened up like that or not I am trying to get a 064 BB saw running the way I would like it to and I think that I just don't have enough case volume any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I thought if I could open up the lowers like you have on this 395 that it might give me a what I need the only other thing I was thinking of doing was going to a 395 piston using just the top ring and a spacer plate in between the case and cylinder.

I remove .060" from the squish band & .077'' from the base.
So far I just build hod rod work saws & they're not good candidates for stuffing the cases & full circle cranks. So I'm not one to comment on that or give good advice on that. Most saws that receive that kind of work are not meant to be run all day cutting, not say they can't, just sayin they are mostly built for competition.

If you'll look on the Data sheet the factory blowdown is 15* I only decreased it by one degree also the uppers open progresively, and are fully open @120* . These saws have plenty of case volume & opening up the lowers to get them to flow just increases that. You can get by with less blowdown if you have enough case volume to "supply" the uppers the whole time the are open. I myself prefer plenty of case volume & moveing the uppers accordingly. Saws with tighter case volumes run nice too (7900 comes to mind), but you just gotta leave more blowdown since there is less "supply" available in the case.

I hope this answers your ??'s. I don't mind tastefull comments or questions about what I do, heck I'm still learnin new stuff every day myself.
Hey Stumpy,

That data sheet is a nice touch. Do you include a copy of it for the customer or is it just for your personal reference?

My 394 is set at 13,3 - 13,2 also and barks along quite happily there.:eek:uttahere2:

Again, great work Stumpy!! :msp_thumbup:
Hey Stumpy,

That data sheet is a nice touch. Do you include a copy of it for the customer or is it just for your personal reference?

My 394 is set at 13,3 - 13,2 also and barks along quite happily there.:eek:uttahere2:

Again, great work Stumpy!! :msp_thumbup:

This is the first saw that I've recorded everything on the data sheet. I plan on sending a copy with the saw.
I like the data sheet stump :heart:. What's the case comp degrees? Intake closed till bottom dead center?

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