whatsup jeff? I shoulda explained that a lil better I guess.....when I go out & bid work & the homeowner/customer is looking for a "low cost provider" (thats puttin it nice).........they are not hesitant about showing numbers, I read some of those numbers (bids) & know there is no way some of those companies are running legal, no way at all...!
Its those jobs that I walk away from thinking....whats going on here? even in high end areas these type of bids are welcomed, its kinda frustrating at times for a legit company.........especially in my area within the next month or so... the hungry will be out & the low bids will fly!!! I just hold steady knowing Iwill see the competition working as im bidding...............but then Ill be busy enough, currently I have a good work load.......which is a surprise!!
you take care Jeff!!