Protective Pant's

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come on Rob, you can save some serious $$$ that way, also it'll go good with the used climbing gear on ebay!!!:D just kidding:angel:

Some do and some don't but let me tell you when the dreaded OSHA shows up and you don't have any gear on believe me your in for one hell of a fine...

Later Rob...
Originally posted by StIhL MaGnUm

Some do and some don't but let me tell you when the dreaded OSHA shows up and you don't have any gear on believe me your in for one hell of a fine...

Later Rob...

Ditto here with the Ontario Ministry of Labour. And it is not only the company that gets fined or shut down, a worker caught not wearing a hard hard or CSA approved boots could get hit with a $155 fine. I saw it happen last year, mind you the guy was ignorant to the inspector so whadya expect fool? This was in the construction industry.

I think tree industry is less liable to be hit because of the transient nature of their biz, and the fact that most inpsectors do not have a clue what constitututes safety in the arborist trade.

The first company I worked for was audited largely due to the complaint generated by a former disgruntled employee-they came out OK but had to start buying chain saw pant for groundies using saws.

And given or social medicine here, not to mention the profusion of lawsuits in the USA, I think it is only question of time before the insuror be it govt or an private concern, is going to start hitting back at those individuals and companies that did not demonstrate "due diligence" by not wearing PPE, following approved practicesetc
Re: Safety gear

Originally posted by don
Does your local agencies require your safety gear to be recertified?

Such as???

A little known and enforced reg here is that hard hats time expire after five years (maybe seven).

And I think fall arrest gear(harnesses in particular) in the construction industry does likewise after a set period-question do arborist's saddles have a tag indicating their date of first use (or sale)?
btween all the big brothers watching us here

Sheriif search and rescue
local, state and national rangers
local government monitors trees by satellite photos
Yea these guys don't how fun it is in LA
Well I ordered two pair of the Husky Deluxe logger pants this morning should have them by thursday...:D

later Rob...
Rob, let me know what you think of them. i might get a pair. are the heavy nylon like chaps???
I'll let both of you know asap,the regular logger pants I have now are very comfortable to wear,waaayyyy better than chaps believe me..

Later Rob.....