Pruning Maple Trees

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kinda looks like silver maple.....
Sorry to go off-topic here.
Is the tree in the middle the leaner your considering removing?
What kind of tree is that on the left, with the zebra-looking bark? I like that.
Yes, the middle tree is the one that will probably be removed at some point. I believe the tree on the left is a silver maple.
kinda looks like silver maple.....

I don't think it's a silver. Silver maple leaves are a bit different and are rather light colored on the back side. They are all over Kansas City, including one in my back yard. Of course, it's always hard to be certain from a picture.
If it turns out to be a silver, you probably don't want it. Silver maples are often planted in the midwest because they grow quickly. They also drop branches incessantly, break down in ice & wind storms, and are very prone to multi-leader trunks that get huge, decay, and fall on houses. Even the masses of leaves they drop in the fall are more annoying than most, because they crumple up and make dense mats of leaves that are very hard to rake up from the turf. They have very shallow roots, along with massive root flares, so you can forget about having a nice yard underneath one.

On top of everything else, in this part of the world the firewood guys categorize all maples as either hard or soft. Basically, anything that isn't a silver maple is a hardwood, and the silvers are so soft and have so little heat in them that many folks toss the firewood out like it was cottonwood (also called a softwood).
I don't think it's a silver. Silver maple leaves are a bit different and are rather light colored on the back side. They are all over Kansas City, including one in my back yard. Of course, it's always hard to be certain from a picture.
Light colored like this you mean?

I know what a silver maple looks like, I had two huge ones in my yard, 60+ ft high and 50" at the base....and that is a silver maple......
A picture of silver maple I found on the net......looks just like the leaves in the pictures above.......

It only hard to be certain from a picture if you don't look.....LOL
If it turns out to be a silver, you probably don't want it. Silver maples are often planted in the midwest because they grow quickly. They also drop branches incessantly, break down in ice & wind storms, and are very prone to multi-leader trunks that get huge, decay, and fall on houses. Even the masses of leaves they drop in the fall are more annoying than most, because they crumple up and make dense mats of leaves that are very hard to rake up from the turf. They have very shallow roots, along with massive root flares, so you can forget about having a nice yard underneath one.

On top of everything else, in this part of the world the firewood guys categorize all maples as either hard or soft. Basically, anything that isn't a silver maple is a hardwood, and the silvers are so soft and have so little heat in them that many folks toss the firewood out like it was cottonwood (also called a softwood).

Yes, they get real big pretty fast, they shed branches often and are quite brittle, being very susceptible to storm damage. They are a junk tree, used for ornamental purposes because they grow quickly to provide shade for a yard. Never had any leaf issues, they are no different than any other tree in that respect. A regular mowing and mulching regimen of dry leaves keeps them from being a problem. Never had a problem with the yard either, no roots or bare spots at all.
Now if you have a septic line going out to the street through where those trees are, you might want to consider the future implication there.......
Oh no, heaven help me. Are Privet on the invasive list right along with the Norways? If so, I sense Del sprinting to his keyboard!

I figure I should get some kind of arborist streed cred from both the pro-sawzall and anti-sawzall camps based on the fact that I own a cordless sawzall, a corded sawzall, a newly purchased pruning saw and a gas chainsaw. However, my tree pruning experience is limited to 6 trees.
Yeah... arborist street cred is a little more work to earn... 6 trees doesn't quite cut it. Maybe humble yourself and listen and learn before you start running your mouth... just sayin...
Yeah... arborist street cred is a little more work to earn... 6 trees doesn't quite cut it. Maybe humble yourself and listen and learn before you start running your mouth... just sayin...
What I'm learning from listening so far is that it seems the majority of folks on an arborist forum have very little sense of humor. You do realize my statement was sarcasm, right? You truly believe I was asking for respect here because I'd pruned 6 trees and own a saw?:laugh: You're clearly not the sharpest pruning saw in the shed, are ya?
What I'm learning from listening so far is that it seems the majority of folks on an arborist forum have very little sense of humor. You do realize my statement was sarcasm, right? You truly believe I was asking for respect here because I'd pruned 6 trees and own a saw?:laugh: You're clearly not the sharpest pruning saw in the shed, are ya?
No, that's not it. You just give the first impression of being an insecure dick that enjoys insulting people.
No, that's not it. You just give the first impression of being an insecure **** that enjoys insulting people.
Well, I believe we’ve identified arboristsite’s biggest Del fanyboy! Congrats.

So, let me get this straight … I post a very respectful first question asking for advice about pruning a tree, promptly receive an impertinent response from the site’s troll and because I don’t crumble to being bullied, but rather respond with some boldness, you think I’m here to insult people??

On a side note and speaking of insecurities, can we all revel for a moment on how Del, trying to act like the arborsite alpha, was absolutely shut down by someone with superior intellect and has since been moping around silent with his tail tucked firmly between his legs and hiding behind the like button? It is an absolute thing of beauty.

I have a serious question for you and those like you. What is the purpose of the ‘homeowner helper forum and why do you hang out there?’ I’ve read through a number of threads and there appears, at least on the surface, to be minimal collegiality and mutual respect. This does not foster the learning of those seeking advice, which I’d imagine is the very purpose of that forum? There are far too many that seem more interested in creating an environment of hostility and confrontation. Why is that?

I get it, I’m the new guy who shows up and won’t take crap or back down from one of the crusty, long-term members you adore or respect or whatever it is, so you’re bothered by me. I get it, but I don’t understand the general adversarial tone of the forum when a newbie is seeking advice.

I do want to thank those that did respond to my question with helpful insights. It made my task much easier.

I also appreciate pdqdl’s responsibility to keep the peace and that probably won’t happen with me here, so I bid you all adieu.

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