Prunning october glory

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Nie som si istý, čo sa mi snažíš na svojich obrázkoch ukázať. Gingko je relatívne odolné voči hmyzu a chorobám.
strom začal normálne rásť a teraz po pár nižších teplotách nad ránom má zrazu puky celé hnedé a nič.vo vnútri púčikov je vysušený alebo zhnitý, zamrznutý list. Už minulý rok (teda po prvej zime od výsadby) nemal dobré listy, skrútené listy. Tak som sa tešil na tento rok a teraz zrazu toto.
Sounds like you got hit with a late frost. If the tree has enough reserved energy it should re-sprout new buds. Healthy plants will recover from frost damage. Only time will tell, another reason why we don't over prune.
Zdá sa, že vás zasiahol neskorý mráz. Ak má strom dostatok rezervovanej energie, mal by znovu vyrašiť nové púčiky. Zdravé rastliny sa zotavia z poškodenia mrazom. Len čas ukáže, ďalší dôvod, prečo neprerezávať.
aj taký strom môže neskoro zasiahnuť mráz? Nie je to ovocný strom.ak tento rok nenarastú nové puky, tak strom nemá dobrý koreňový systém a mám ho dať preč?It is practically not in good condition since it is planted.I don't understand why this is so because it was planted correctly and in a good place.The tree, even after the first winter last year, also grew only leaves that were not in good condition.
It's possible it is just a weak sickly tree from the nursery. Sometimes the rough handling can bruise the inner bark and you won't have known. It's hard to say, give it until summer then make your decision to keep or remove.
Je možné, že je to len slabý chorľavý strom zo škôlky. Niekedy môže hrubé zaobchádzanie poškodiť vnútornú kôru a vy o tom nebudete vedieť. Ťažko povedať, nechaj to do leta a potom sa rozhodni, či si ho ponecháš alebo odstrániš.
ak do leta nenarastú zdravé listy, tak nemá zmysel čakať ďalší rok?
The tree will produce small leaves if it's been over watered. Also can you pull the soil away from the lower trunk and take a picture of the root flare.
No, you are good, don't dig any more. Just need to rule out the tree being planted too deep.
How much are you watering?
Are you using any weed killers on the lawn?
What did you put in the planting hole when the tree was planted, any soil amendments like compost?
Nie, si dobrý, už nerýp. Len treba vylúčiť, že strom je zasadený príliš hlboko.
Koľko polievaš?
Používate na trávniku nejaké prostriedky na ničenie buriny?
Čo ste dali do výsadbovej jamy, keď bol strom zasadený, nejaké úpravy pôdy, ako je kompost?
Bežne zalejem asi 30 litrov za dva týždne.I also add npk fertilizer during the season.i was watering with hot salt.
Too much magnesium for plants can cause deficiencies in the other nutrients in the soil such as calcium and potassium.
Without proper levels of potassium leaves won't develop properly.
It's very important to get a soil test done.
Too much magnesium for plants can cause deficiencies in the other nutrients in the soil such as calcium and potassium.
Without proper levels of potassium leaves won't develop properly.
It's very important to get a soil test done.
I used it only once.should I take a soil pH test?how do I add potassium to the soil?