Prunning october glory

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The tree is still in its reestablishment phase. Allow one year for each 2.5 cm of trunk diameter. What's the diameter of your ginkgo? Take the measurement 15 cm from the ground.
With a 17.5 cm diameter I would expect 4 to 6 years of reestablishment before the tree returns to normal growth rate. Once again you need to be patient.
Pri priemere 17,5 cm očakávam 4 až 6 rokov obnovy, kým sa strom vráti k normálnemu tempu rastu. Ešte raz treba byť trpezlivý.

Pri priemere 17,5 cm by som očakával 4 až 6 rokov obnovy, kým sa strom vráti k normálnemu tempu rastu. Ešte raz treba byť trpezlivý.

viete mi povedat preco su listy take suche a cierne na koncoch listov?
Could be a number of things. Improper watering, too much or too little. Chemicals in the water like fluoride or water softeners. Over fertilizing, nutrient deficiencies and Ph imbalance.
Could be a number of things. Improper watering, too much or too little. Chemicals in the water like fluoride or water softeners. Over fertilizing, nutrient deficiencies and Ph imbalance.
how often should such a tree be watered?
In most cases a good soaking once a week should be sufficient. In sandy soils it may need twice a week. You don't want the soil to remain dried out for more than 2-3 days.
Vo väčšine prípadov by malo stačiť dobré namáčanie raz týždenne. V piesočnatých pôdach môže potrebovať dvakrát týždenne. Nechcete, aby pôda zostala vysušená dlhšie ako 2-3 dni.
Za domom za plotom mám vysadené javory a na niektorých jeleň odhryzol kmeň. Prežijú takéto stromy? Čo sa stane s ich kufrom?

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