yamess191 ArboristSite Operative Joined Dec 31, 2014 Messages 184 Reaction score 96 Location Oregon May 7, 2017 #1 I have a used rope wrench in purple for sale. in great condition. Teather is worn but is still good, I replaced the shrink wrap to stiffin it up a bit. $85 paypal gifted shipped in the cont USA. Attachments DSCN3372.JPG 123.6 KB DSCN3374.JPG 132.4 KB
I have a used rope wrench in purple for sale. in great condition. Teather is worn but is still good, I replaced the shrink wrap to stiffin it up a bit. $85 paypal gifted shipped in the cont USA.
robert549tree ArboristSite Member Joined May 25, 2009 Messages 82 Reaction score 20 Location maryland May 8, 2017 #2 I will take it for $50
yamess191 ArboristSite Operative Joined Dec 31, 2014 Messages 184 Reaction score 96 Location Oregon May 8, 2017 #3 Sold for $85 pending funds.....