Puzzled - Stop/Start Switch on 031AV

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ArboristSite Member
Dec 28, 2005
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I have rebuilt the carb on an 031AV and it started great. Flipped Stop/Start switch to "Stop" and saw kept running. Pulled plug wire to kill saw. Today I dismantled saw to clean it and investigate the switch. All was there was the switch and on the back looked as if there was a hole to plug a wire in but no wire found or in sight. Is there suppose to be a wire that plugs into the back of the Start/Stop flip switch. If so, where the heck is that wire, where does it originate? I am totally clueless!
Lakeside53 said:
Yes, there is suppoed to be a wire. It either goes back to the points, or, if electronic, to the trigger unit.

I am sure there is no wire going back to the trigger. What is the best method to get access to the points. I would have taken the carb box off today to get better access, but I did not have the appropriate tools to reach in and remove impulse hose or take a banded hose clip off that attached the manifold. I was reluctant to take the gas tank off because I did not know if there was a gasket I would have to mess with.
JamesReed said:
I am sure there is no wire going back to the trigger. What is the best method to get access to the points. I would have taken the carb box off today to get better access, but I did not have the appropriate tools to reach in and remove impulse hose or take a banded hose clip off that attached the manifold. I was reluctant to take the gas tank off because I did not know if there was a gasket I would have to mess with.

Stop! You headed in the wrong direction! You don;lt need to take the impulse etc off. Get an IPL and/or service manual.... Are you talking about the electronic trigger for the coil (hint: this is the one you mean) or the throttle trigger?

http://www.giftsofwood.com/Stihl/IPLs/stihl 031 IPL.pdf

Points are under the flywheel... but first check around the coil for the disconnected stop wire, or part of it. if you can find it, just splice an extension. if you can't, consider cutting the wire to the coil and joining in an extension to the switch.
Thanks LakeSide53. I will take a look tomorrow. This is the first saw(as you can tell) I have taken apart. Gots tons to learn .....but certainly appreciate you and others on this board for helping me/others move up the learning curve.