I NEED HOOKWORMS! The alders dried out today and continued with their pollen dispersal. The Used Dog had a greenish yellow head!! AHCHOO!
I NEED HOOKWORMS! The alders dried out today and continued with their pollen dispersal. The Used Dog had a greenish yellow head!! AHCHOO!
I heard a story about a guy who had really bad allergies. He heard something about hookworms curing allergies, so he went to Africa, asked where the bathroom area was, and stomped around in it with bare feet. He got hookworm.
His asthma went away. Somehow, he "harvested" his hookworms and was marketing them as an allergy remedy until the FDA shut him down. The story ended with, "He is now in Canada."
If all those nasties are in the ground out here, I had best toughen my feet in and go barefoot.
Louie Lamour used to write that the west was a less infectious place than the east.
Dr Lawn, is that true?
... I am a professional woods crapper...
Ah ha, you have been listening to NPR:msp_scared: Me too.:msp_rolleyes:
I certainly have more chainsaws and tree equipment than most of the participants here.
Then please go back to the chainsaw forum and stay there. You have blown your credibility with that statement.
Ick. Think of chew mixed with whatever oil/sludge is in the belly of a yarder. I was even offered some of that.
I'm not sure where I got the "lawn monkey" moniker. I think I have more than enough credentials and experience to fit in with any forum on AS.
Radio Free Glenoma has no news, and is hard to describe.
OK, you have my curiosity. What are they up to in Glenoma? I haven't been there in forever; my buddy's grandma used to run the tavern there.
The late Roadside Inn Tavern?
Sounds right. She retired ~1994 and moved to Long Beach. I think she died not long after that. She had a collection of frog figurines, all of them rather... well-endowed. Yep, a bunch of frog boners. Cool old crazy lady.
That's the end.
That is mostly because the US and other modern societies use toilets. Proper sanitation and clean food sources are the best way to stop the spread of diseases.