Hey JPS I thought it was pronounced par-EN-ke-ma...wuddoo I know...:help:
"However if Dr Shigo were still alive he would have been the first to want to know more of the facts backed by research. He also would have wanted people to pick up the ball where he left off, not accepting that his work was the end of arboriculture but a stable platform to take it to the next level!"
Truer words were never spoken.
If there is someone in here that knows first hand about this, by all means, let him/her step up. we`ll listen. I think this thread is not about how smart we appear but how much we can learn.
Truer words were never spoken.
I do not know first hand but I know someone who does. google for the complete paper:
A unified hypothesis of mechanoperception in plants1
Frank W. Telewski2
W. J. Beal Botanical Garden, Department of Plant Biology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824 USA
Received for publication March 31, 2006. Accepted for publication August 16, 2006.
The perception of mechanical stimuli in the environment is crucial to the survival of all living organisms. Recent advances have led to the proposal of a plant-specific mechanosensory network within plant cells that is similar to the previously described network in animal systems. This sensory network is the basis for a unifying hypothesis, which may account for the perception of numerous mechanical signals including gravitropic, thigmomorphic, thigmotropic, self-loading, growth strains, turgor pressure, xylem pressure potential, and sound. The current state of our knowledge of a mechanosensory network in plants is reviewed, and two mechanoreceptor models are considered: a plasmodesmata-based cytoskeleton–plasma membrane–cell wall (CPMCW) network vs. stretch-activated ion channels. Post-mechanosensory physiological responses to mechanical stresses are also reviewed, and future research directions in the area of mechanoperception and response are recommended.
Key Words: gravitropism • gravity • mechanoperception • sound • thigmomorphogenesis • thigmotropism • turgor pressure • wind
The ability to sense and respond to physical stimuli is of key importance to all living things. Among the common environmental stimuli detected by living organisms are light, temperature, and a variety of chemical signals. A number of these stimuli appear to be closely related and can be considered as physical–mechanical stimuli, that is differences in a mechanical force or pressure perceived by the living cell. A cell may perceive gravity; strains caused by self-loading and internal growth; mechanical loading by snow, ice, and fruit, wind, rainfall, touch, sound; and the state of hydration within a cell (turgor pressure). All organisms appear to perceive these mechanical signals, regardless of their taxonomic classification or life habit (sessile vs. motile). The significant differences between taxonomic groups, specifically plants and animals, are found in the individual molecular components of the microstructure of the internal cellular sensing network (Jaffe et al., 2002 and in the response of an individual organism to each mechanical stimulus.
Internal mechanical forces
The sensing of gravitropic signals by plants has been studied for 200 years (Knight, 1806 ). Since the first study, the elucidation of the mechanism of gravitropic perception has been researched in a broad array of plants from algae to trees and in a variety of plant organs. To date, two compelling hypotheses exist regarding graviperception in plants: the starch–statolith hypothesis and the hydrostatic model of gravisensing (for reviews, see Sack, 1991 Both hypotheses ultimately rely on the sensing of a mechanical signal at the cytoskeleton–plasma membrane–cell wall interface (CPMCW) interface. In the case of statoliths, falling starch grains or other organelles impact the plasma membrane thus inducing an internal mechanical signal (Sack, 1991).
Similarly, the reorientation of a plant organ within a gravitational field is proposed to induce internal pressure differences at the CPMCW interface, which can be considered an external mechanical signal (Staves et al., 1997). Therefore, a more broadly unifying mechanism may underlie graviperception in plants than that evoked by a hypothesis that relies on how the mechanical signal is initiated; an actual sensory structure within the cell may allow for mechanoperception as the plant is reoriented with respect to gravity. Supporting the concept of a unified hypothesis for mechanical sensing in the gravitropic response is the work of Massa and Gilroy (2003) who reported when a root cap came in contact with a horizontal glass plate (inducing thigmotropic stimulus), the root cells behind the growing tip began to grow horizontally. This allowed the root cap to maintain contact with the plate, while the rest of the root grew over and parallel to the obstacle with a step-like growth form. The authors suggested that the gravisensitive cells of the root cap also sense the touch and signal the columella cells to alter their gravitropic response, so that they act together to redirect root growth to avoid obstacles while continuing a general downward pattern of growth.
In plants, gravitropism can occur in either primary or secondary tissues. In primary growth, the gravitropic curvature results from differential cell elongation on opposite sides of the displaced organ. In the case of secondary growth, the gravitropic response includes the formation of reaction wood; tension wood in porous angiosperms and compression wood in nonporous angiosperms and gymnosperms (Timell, 1986a ). Tension wood forms on the upper side of a displaced stem and is characterized by the formation of gelatinous fibers with lower lignin content, smaller diameter, and fewer vessels and by a realignment of cellulose microfibrils into a vertical orientation within the gelatinous layer, which forms inside a partially developed and lignified S2 layer of secondary cell walls of gelatinous fibers. Compression wood forms in response to gravity on the lower side of displaced stems and is characterized by tracheids with a thickened secondary cell wall with higher lignin content, a round cross section, intracellular spaces at cell corners, and a realignment of cellulose microfibrils in the S2 layer to a 45° to 60° orientation with respect to the axis of the stem.
The formation of reaction wood in stems, branches, and roots is not an exclusive response to gravity in woody plants. The formation of reaction wood has also been observed to develop in branches and stems as a means of reshaping crowns and as a possible phototropic response (Engler, 1924 ). Tension wood has been reported to form in the vertical stems of rapidly growing poplar (Populus) trees (for a review, see Telewski et al., 1996 suggested that the reaction wood may form to keep woody plants in balance with their physical environment (e.g., gravity, wind, and light), subsequently generating internal growth strains that result in the physical reorientation of woody plant organs.
The maturation of xylem cells in the cambial zone involves the alteration of individual cell lengths. In many instances, there is intrusive growth in which the cells elongate within the relatively rigid structure of the stem, inducing internal compressive forces (Boyd, 1985; Fournier et al., 1991a D In other cases, the cells shrink upon maturation inducing a tensile force within the stem. The generation of these internal growth strains is responsible for the realignment of stems in the gravitropic response, with compression wood developing a compressive growth strain and tension wood forming a tensile growth strain (Wilson, 1981 ). Growth strains also develop in stems aligned vertically with respect to gravity and may function to maintain mechanical balance within woody plants as part of a phototropic response, self-loading, or from differential loading caused by crown asymmetry (Archer, 1987
Within a vertically aligned stem, there are two potential sources of compressive force loading. The most obvious is due to self-loading along the vertical axis of the stem as a result of the accelerating force of gravity. A second compressive force has been suggested to be induced by the constrictive nature of bark tissues (referred to as bark pressure), resulting in a radial compressive force that affects xylogenesis in the cambial zone (DeVries, 1875 ). In earlier studies, the radial compressive force of a constricting outer bark was hypothesized to increase during the growing season from the radial growth of the cambium and to be responsible for the formation of smaller, denser latewood cells and the ultimate formation of annual growth rings (for a review, see Larson, 1960 ). In subsequent studies, this hypothesis was refuted, and annual growth rings were found to form in response to external environmental stimuli including day length and changes in plant growth regulator content (for review, see Little and Savidge, 1987 ). Although the bark pressure hypothesis appears to bear little on the formation of annual growth rings, the application of a compressive force to cambial explants (tissue culture) appears to function in maintaining the structure and organization of the vascular cambium in vitro, ensuring the continued production of apparently normal xylem (Brown and Sax, 1962 ).